My Healing Journey…

I am a naturally born and self taught Psychic Medium who has been interacting with Spirit all my life.

As a three-year old child, my earliest memory was seeing spirits hovering above me. The Spirit Realm has manifested in front of me in various ways throughout my life: as solid full body apparitions, objects have moved or been thrown towards me, I’ve heard my name called on several occasions, and have been visited by numerous full body animals who have passed away. I have even received phone calls and had my feet tickled by Spirit.


In March 2000, I was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukaemia (AML).  I was mourning the loss of my Dad who had been diagnosed with Brain Cancer in 1996 and had passed shortly a few months later. I found myself dying in the same hospital ward as my father, which then became my home for the next three months.

Everything that could go wrong, did. I have a rare blood type (only 3% of the world’s population), that combined with an uncommon type of cancer equaled poor odds of survival. I was initially on a 24/7 trial of chemotherapy which burnt me from the inside out. I lost my hair, my fingernails, my appetite, lost weight and I lost my sense of self. At one point the doctors said it looked like someone had “taken a cheese grater to my mouth” because of all the sores the chemo created.

When I was stable enough, I’d go home on day passes only to return in ambulances. Twice the EMT’s couldn’t find my pulse…I had flat lined…

It was the endless medications with their endless complications, endless chemotherapy sessions and endless bone marrow aspirates that my body finally went into remission. I remained healthy for fifteen months until June of 2001, when the cancer returned - more severely this time.. It was now within 70% of my body and was the equivalent to Stage 4.

This time around my family hired a Reiki Master who came into my hospital room three times per week to give me healing energy sessions.  If the Reiki Master was working on me and the Doctors came around, the Doctors would circle back after my session was over as they knew the importance of these energy treatments.

When you’re immunocompromised and dying in the cancer ward, you can have anything you want (except for flowers) - energetic healing sessions, new art work on the walls, pizza, burgers, visits from friends, etc because you’re there for a very long time, and the medical staff want you to be comfortable.

Again, I lived confined within the walls of the hospital for another three months during which my family had been called to come and say their goodbyes…

In July of 2001, I received a Bone Marrow Transplant from a beautiful lady named Gaby, who was only a few years younger than I was at the time. This unrelated selfless soul who lives in a different country, became my living donor as she was a 100% match, which is very rare…”unheard of” according to nurses and doctors.

I was given a 26% chance of survival and six years to live (post transplant)…

I have remained Cancer free ever since.

Because of my Near Death Experiences, I connect directly to God/Source, Angels and Spirit Guides.

I am a Gateway; I live with one foot in the Angelic Realm and one foot in the Physical Realm simultaneously. I bridge the gap between these realms.


I am blessed and honoured to be given a second chance of life. I am honoured to dedicate my life to being of service to Spirit and to be able to deliver messages upon the wings of Angels.

I reside on beautiful Vancouver Island in Canada, surrounded by ancient forests, rugged coastlines, and Orcas and Humpback Whales dancing in the Pacific Ocean.

(All of the photographs on my website have been taken by me, and are some of my favourite places. to visit.)

Much love!

Lady Jane Dance


Who I Am…