Animal Reading Testimonials…

Moosey Moo with Teddy

"I highly recommend Jane. She is highly intuitive, a natural medium, and a kind, compassionate and caring person. She read for my dog which was a huge confirmation and gave us information to help with our relationship with our fur baby. Thank you Jane!"

Zoe Baldwin,

Mountain Heights Healing


“Psychic mediums of this caliber are rare in my experience and I have read with many across the world. Jane just delivered the most accurate animal reading I ever received! A pet cat belonging to a friend, in the States, had gone missing for 12 days. We all thought the worse but Jane's Guides indicated differently. Jane assured us that the cat was very much alive and had been taken by a woman with mental health issues. Her Guides kept hearing, "guilty conscience" and were certain that the cat would be back home within 7 days. A few days later, a mentally disturbed woman came to my friend's home and confessed that she had taken the cat. She cried with guilt when she saw his photo and revealed she felt bad and had taken him to a shelter. The cat was found safe although the shelter had scheduled to have him euthanized! Jane was spot on!”

Carol Ann Whilhite,


“When my indoor cat, Lloyd, escaped from my home and had been missing for 4 days, Jane was recommended to me by a friend. I had exhausted all resources and looked for her day and night.

Jane tuned into Lloyd’s energy and let me know that she was still alive and actually on my property! She was hiding VERY well but she was found the next day in the area Jane had mentioned! Lloyd and I are very happy to be reunited.”

Taylor M. Edson,


"What can we say about Jane? Perhaps, instead of conveying what we say, it is more about what our dog, Hutch had to "say". Here's what happened...

Geoff and I were excited to experience our personal readings, as members of our community had been alight after their time spent with Jane and her guides. Weren't we surprised, when it was our dog, Hutch, sitting at Geoff's feet, that pushed through with a message for us. How fascinating!!! We had some questions, as Hutch came to us as a rescue from the NWT (North West Territories), and he answered them right then and there - through Jane, in a pretty empathetic way. It made us laugh!

Then, several months later, Hutch became ill very quickly and we thought we were going to lose him. We called Jane and she came over to see if there was anything that she could do to help. The message about the nature of what cure for Hutch's illness came through very quickly - and was what Geoff and I needed to hear - to not just bring our dog back again, but to help us tune into the importance of living a more authentic life. This meant spending more time with him, playing - and less time in our heads, and working. We have always said that our dogs lead us to where we need to be, and Jane and her guides helped Hutch to get an important message through us.

Our pets are our family. If we can sit with Jane for some time and tune in a little closer to what these creatures want us to know to "get them" and perhaps understand them a little bit better, then it is time well spent and a Divine gift that we are granted.

Thank you, Jane !"

Jan and Geoff,

Founders of Last Chance Dog Services,
