Wings of an Angel Blog…

The Missing Step
Rumi once wrote: “Life is a balance of holding on and letting go”, but I feel there is a step missing.
When something brings unbalance into your life, it isn’t always easy to “let it go”. As you bring the anxiety up to a friend or a family member, chances are that they will tell you to “let it go”, but how do you let go of something that is irritating you like a tag on the back of your shirt, scratching into your very being?!

Something in the Wind…
Every window in my oasis looks out onto nothing, as the thick fog swaddles my home. Everything is still, except for the blowing wind out there in the void, which I cannot see. I liken this to sitting within the eye of a tornado, where everything is still and silent…

Ready To Connect
My home feels less haunted and more happy. Amazing what new flooring can do to a space. Having said that, there have been a couple of mystifying occurrences….once a Medium, always a Medium…

A Soulful Confection
Spirits like their home to be just so. When we humans come along and rip up walls, flooring, and change the layout, Spirits can become angry and they will make their disdain known…

The Captain, The Engine Crew and the Underground Library
A few weeks ago as I was running errands, I was listening to the radio. The DJ asked the audience what their latest obsession was? She said hers was some tv series (I can’t remember the name), but her question made me ponder what my latest obsession was…
The answer, of course, was easy….
I’m obsessed with the building blocks of the Subconscious Mind because it is so fascinating!

My Take on Spirituality
I feel spirituality has become a trend or a “fad diet” these days. It is the “coolio” thing to do (do they still say “coolio?” I have no idea.) You can't put on a pair of socks one day that say "spirituality" or take a supplement and say you're spiritual. Spirituality is a lifelong practice, it is not something that happens when the moment feels right.