The Captain, The Engine Crew and the Underground Library

A few weeks ago as I was running errands, I was listening to the radio. The DJ asked the audience what their latest obsession was? She said hers was some tv series (I can’t remember the name), but her question made me ponder what my latest obsession was…

The answer, of course, was easy….

I’m obsessed with the Subconscious Mind because it is so fascinating! 

In my off time I read books, attend workshops, listen to podcasts and paraliminals to learn about the subconscious mind and how it affects us deeply to the core…

I’m soaking it up like a sponge and loving every minute of it….

I feel like a kid in a candy store, wide eyed and eager for all the different kinds of candy.  Replace the word “candy” with “knowledge” and I’m that kid. 

Through what I've learned, I can see how my own Subconscious Mind has hindered or helped me throughout my life, and I’m obsessed with making my life better by working with my subconscious mind.  In other words, I’m obsessed with retraining my subconscious mind to work for me, rather than against me. 

My interest in the mind began in 2017 when I worked at a brain training centre which taught clients how to control their brains, by using thoughts. I was a Neurofeedback Technician, which is a fancy way to say “I applied electrodes to people’s heads, hooked them up to EEG machines and monitored their brainwaves for up to 14 hours per day.”

After a year or so of working at the centre, I was given the opportunity to receive the training (free of charge) so I jumped at the chance! I knew bits and pieces of what went on during the training, but not the full extent until I did the training myself. 

I won’t get into the details of it, as I wrote about it in my very first blog posting,  entitled Alpha Brain Wave Enhancement Training. If you’re interested, you can click the link to read about my experience. What I will say is that it was a wild and crazy start to the Thanksgiving weekend!

Since the beginning of this year, my obsession with the Subconscious Mind has grown tremendously! The more workshops I take, the more books I read, the more fascinated I become. 

Everyone, in the spiritual world, talks about the “subconscious mind”. They - whoever they are - talk about the subconscious mind this and the subconscious mind that, but nothing too in depth. They don’t get to the bones of it; the why’s and how’s…just really that we all have one, and that’s about it.

I’ve been learning about the Conscious Mind and the Subconscious mind from actual Neuroscientists - this is their field of study for years. They have written books on the subject,  they have worked on  their own minds to achieve great results in their lives, and have shared their knowledge to help others. 

I’ve learned the ins and outs as to the reason why we buy things.   The reason has helped me to understand why I’ve bought things in the past, but having that key has now curbed my spending.

My life feels as though it has shifted, as I work from my Subconscious Mind and not so much from my Conscious Mind.

Of course I use my Conscious Mind on a daily basis, because the Conscious Mind is the “Captain.”  The Captain is in charge of the ship and barks out the orders and coordinates.   

The Conscious Mind is awareness.  I am writing this from my Conscious Mind.  My thoughts are consciously thinking about what to write next, just as you are currently reading this from your Conscious Mind. 

Your Conscious Mind is who you are day to day. It is awareness.

Thinking about what to wear, what to buy at the grocery store or planning for your holiday, is done in the Conscious Mind. Mathematical problems or focusing on a problem are done in your Conscious Mind. Anything that makes you think, is done from your Conscious Mind. 

It is everything that you are aware of: Worrying, focusing on lack, spreading kindness, all the choices you make, imagining what might happen.  All of your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and imagination come from the Conscious Mind. 

There is not much this mind can do on a deeper level as it is very limited and is similar to short term memory. For deeper processes,  we must parachute into the Subconscious Mind…I will call it the “Engine Crew”.

Now although the Captain (Conscious Mind) is yelling out the orders, from his/her comfy chair, the Engine Crew are the ones who get the ship up and running. They are the ones who manoeuvre her to leave the port and sail towards the Caribbean, England or wherever in the world the Captain has ordered the ship to go.

The Engine Crew is always listening and obeys all the orders the Captain radios out….even the ones that seem absurd, like doing donuts in the middle of the ocean. Although it makes no sense to the Engine Crew, they respond: “Aye, aye, Captain” because they don’t want to walk the plank. 

The Subconscious Mind controls you automatically.  It takes care of your breathing, your walking, the beat of your heart, your driving, the motion of brushing your teeth, digestion, kidney function, etc. 

Raise your hand if you’ve driven somewhere, but had no memory of doing so? Did it scare you? Did you wonder how you came to be at your destination and didn’t get into an accident?

Your Conscious Mind was probably engaged with thinking about all your errands, worrying about bills, rushing to your next appointment, etc., so your Subconscious Mind took over and “drove” you to the destination.  Your body physically drove the car but your Subconscious Mind told your body how to do it! 

If we had to consciously regulate our heartbeats, some people probably wouldn’t last for long.  Perhaps we’d skip a beat, maybe two or three, possibly misplace our hearts or forget about them altogether. This would literally be “not for the faint of heart!”

The main job of your Subconscious Mind is to keep you safe and to conserve energy, “in-case-a-sabre-toothed-tiger-wants-to-eat-you-for-dinner”.  In this way, it is a bit primitive, but the “sabre-toothed tiger “ might be an event that puts you into fight, flight, or freeze mode. It conserves energy so that if and when you come across that sabre-toothed tiger (traumatic event), you’ll have the energy to run for your life! 

Here is some food for thought: The Subscious Mind is responsible for 95-99% of your thoughts, emotions and bodily processes. It is in control of the  majority of your life; including your habits and the outcomes of your life.  

(The Conscious Mind is only responsible for 1-5%!)

97% of all repetitive behaviours stem from your Subconscious Mind because they have become reinforced over the years, either from you or believing someone else’s perceptions about you.  Remember, the Subconscious mind is always listening!

Say for example you want to quit drinking coffee. Consciously you tell yourself that you are going to stop drinking coffee. 

The next thing you know,  you’re smelling the sweet aroma as you drink a cuppa coffee…You have no memory of making it, but here you are drinking it.

What happened??

Well your Conscious Mind says that you are going to stop drinking coffee, but your Subconscious Mind automatically kicks in and says “We’ve been drinking coffee for as long as I can remember, and we’ve never stopped drinking it. You’re talking crazy, so I’m going to make you a cup of coffee which will make you feel better!”

The next day, you again consciously announce you’re going to stop drinking coffee and low and behold you find yourself enjoying a cup again. What the heck?!

Your Subconscious Mind is keeping you in your comfort zone, which is safe and where everything is copacetic.   Drinking coffee is your “normal”, it’s familiar and safe. Stepping out of your “normal” becomes unfamiliar, unsafe and uncomfortable to the Subconscious Mind, which triggers it  to automatically go back into your habits by making you a cuppa of coffee. Coffee = Safety for the Subconscious Mind.

This is why New Year's resolutions generally don’t stick. Habits are hard to break, especially if you’ve been in the same mental pattern for as long as you can remember. The habitual loop keeps you limited, which keeps the Subconscious Mind happy, because, say it with me…

the Subconscious Mind wants to keep you safe and conserve energy…in case that sabre-toothed tiger comes along!

Consciously you want to grow, be it mentally, emotionally, personally, spiritually, in your business, start a business etc but your Subconscious Mind says: “Nope.  This is unfamiliar, unsafe and uncomfortable so we aren’t doing it. End of.”

Remember how your Subconscious Mind is always listening? 

When the Captain side of you is barking out that you’re “not intuitive” or “not good enough” or “I’m too old” or “life is hard” or “why do I always struggle with everything?” or (fill in the blank), your Subconscious Mind is hearing those orders and obeying them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, when you’re awake, when you’re asleep, the Subconscious Mind is always listening. 

Eventually, you will begin to see proof in your life (if you don’t already) that  you’re “not intuitive” or “not good enough” or (fill in the blank) as that’s what it has been programmed to believe. It hasn’t done anything wrong, it’s just obeyed what you ordered it to do!

You will then attract situations, people or opportunities into your life that will reiterate or prove to you that you aren’t “intuitive” or “good enough” or “too old” or (fill in the blank). 

This is how limiting beliefs are created:

Your Conscious Mind (the Captain) gave a direct order to the Subconscious Mind (the Engine Crew) to steer towards “I’m not this or that” Land or “I don’t want to” Land…and like a good crew, it obeyed the order! 

(Incredible, right?! Can you see why I’m so obsessed with this?!  A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!...)

Okay, let’s not forget to mention the Unconscious Mind - the Underground Library.

It is exactly as it sounds:  It is a library of everything you have said, thought, and experienced since the moment you were born, and possibly since the moment you were conceived. It contains all the traumas you’ve experienced in life, all the triumphs, all the illnesses, all the accidents, all the positive and negative things people have said about you or that you have said about yourself. 

It stores repressed memories, deep seated emotions, and all past experiences you’ve had. 

Your habits, beliefs and behaviours are stored here.  When you are triggered by something, the memory of the trauma travels from the Unconscious Mind to the Subconscious Mind into the Conscious Mind where the behaviour exhibits itself, whether that is in the form of anger, fear, shame or whatever.  When you’re not triggered, the behaviour and memory stays in the Unconscious Mind. 

Luckily a great feature of the Underground Library is that, by choice,  we never remember anything in the Unconscious Mind. You can’t go into the Underground Library, check out a book and read about past events. It is not possible to do so. Personally, I wouldn’t want to go into a repressed memory. It’s repressed for a reason. I want a growth mindset, not a fixed mindset. 

Think of being unconscious - that sentence seems like an oxymoron…how can you think of being unconscious, if you’re unconscious?

Let’s try that again…if you become  unconscious, say by a knock to the noggin and the paramedic asks if you were unconscious, most people would answer “I think so”.  They don’t know because they have no memory of it - they were unconscious, but the Unconscious Mind knows all, as that is where the event of the trauma is stored. 

Okay, so there you have it…the 3 minds that we ALL have.  

This is what drove me to create the new Energy Alchemy Coaching sessions. I have been feeling the call to help people on a much deeper level and you can’t get much deeper than working with the Subconscious Mind.  

Don’t get me wrong, I still love connecting to the Angels and delivering their messages of hope, love and light to help my clients. In fact I’ve decided to work in tandem with the Angels along this new creation because I love working with them so much! 

I am so passionate about this because I want to see what great results I achieve as I work from my Subconscious Mind, and live the life of my dreams!

My goal is to help millions of people transform their lives by teaching them how to do the same. 

We are unlimited spiritual beings that are living limited lives. 

Isn’t it time to Upgrade your Identity to match your Destiny? I know I’m on board. 


A Soulful Confection


My Take on Spirituality