A Soulful Confection

I have had a strange mystery going on in my home for the past year.  I am unsure if it is a person doing this or a spirit, as it is rather bizarre.

I rarely have friends over and I don't have roommates. I have a chihuahua, so I know he isn’t doing it. I’m particular as to who comes into my home being sensitive to energies. 

It’s possible a tradesperson is doing this and if so, why would they and what an odd thing to do.

Since the renovation of my home, something bizarre has been happening.  I know that renovations can bring on spirit activity - the last place I lived, the renovations brought in a spirit who threw things at me and was very active. 

Spirits like their home to be just so. When we humans come along and rip up walls, flooring, and change the layout, Spirits can become angry and they will make their disdain known. 

When I lived in Alberta, the last condo I lived in ended up having two floods in four years: The first flood was caused by a torrent of rain that came through a hole in an outer wall of my bedroom.   I should mention the hole was unbeknownst  to me, but not to the condo board. It looked like Niagara Falls was cascading over the top of the window frame.  I love Niagara Falls but not in my bedroom. For 12 hours the rain  continued outside and inside. It was a battle I could not win.

The second flood happened because the person in the condo two floors above me (I lived on the 7th floor) left their water running and went to work.  (Sometimes I’m concerned for the human race.) I came home from work to find soggy carpet inside and outside my home.  

In the four years I lived there, I lived under construction for 3.5 of those years.  I had to deal with black mould, endless water, renovations, simpletons and spirits. 

I’m not sure why water loves being in my bedroom -  last year's flooding started in my ensuite and made its way through my bedroom, down the hallway and into everywhere else.  Although it was not water, it was sewage, it originated in the vicinity of my bedroom. 

Back in the Alberta condo, I had four crystal angels sitting on the top of a framed picture in my master bedroom.  I was once told that you could place an angel  in the four corners of any room in your home to have them watch over you.  I’m not a DIY kind of person.  I’m more of a “I’ll-mickey-mouse-something-together-until-an-appropriate-solution-is-found” kind of person.  My solution was to put the four angels on the top of the picture frame, which worked quite well.  

Each angel stood in a line and faced towards the inside of my bedroom.  One was celestite (#1) , two were quartz (#3 & 4) and the fourth was glass (#2).  My sister had given the glass angel to me.  It was called a “worry angel”.  They were pretty close in height: about an inch and a half.

During the renovations, things started to move, particularly these four angels.  Anytime I noticed them, the two outer ones were turned outwards and the two inner ones were turned inwards. I would turn them back to their original direction and would think nothing of it.  

Every week, these angels would turn: the two outer ones (1 & 4) would turn towards the outside and the two inner ones (2 & 3) would be facing each other.  I’d fix them constantly and mutter to myself for whomever was doing it to stop.  Clearly something didn’t want angels to watch over me.

Whenever I’d go on vacation and have a friend to pet sit, the same thing happened.  The four angels would turn. I would question the pet sitter if she had turned them and she was oblivious to the fact that the angels were actually there. 

One day I was in my bedroom, folding laundry and zoning out, as you do. Something white and blurry shot across the tips of my toes and then I heard a clunk as the object hit my wooden bed frame.  It had come from the direction of my bathroom, which was literally two feet away. 

As I bent down to  retrieve the object, I figured my cat must have been the culprit.  That theory was soon squashed as I saw him lying underneath the bed, just as wide eyed as I was. 

The force behind which the object was thrown was strong, it had no definition…just a white blurry object coming from the direction of my bathroom. A place I should add, that wouldn’t account for the speed at which it flew. 

Thinking about it now, I wasn’t even in line with the bedroom door.  I was standing a few feet to the right of  the door, so this object would have to have curved to the right after being thrown or  it came through the wall, from the closet, which is even creepier! There was always something with that closet.  I was always hesitant to open it, for fear someone was standing inside it. 

Guess what the object was?  The glass “worry” angel - the second angel on the picture frame. 

As I picked it up, my brain had a “what the…” moment.  I looked at the glass angel (which wasn’t broken), looked at the space on the frame, back to the angel, back to the frame.  My mind could not comprehend what had just happened, let alone the why and how.  

I didn’t notice the angel was missing when I initially went into my bedroom.  The laundry facilities were down the hallway, outside my condo, although on the same floor.  Plus I was standing right next to my closet, where the picture frame hung. It was literally a few inches away from my right shoulder. 

As I placed the angel back in its rightful spot, I decided to do my best to debunk the activity.  I placed the angel half on and half off the frame and hurtled my shoulder into the wooden closet door.  I thought that perhaps vibrations from the tradespeople had caused the angel to vibrate to the edge of the frame and fall off.  Although that didn’t explain how it came from the direction of my bathroom and was forcefully thrown towards me. Of course, that didn’t make the angel budge, or any of the other angels.  The only thing it did was make my shoulder hurt. 

Next I quickly opened and closed the heavy wooden closet doors, thinking again the vibration would cause the angel to shift. It didn’t. It also didn’t explain how the glass angel…the second one in, was moved and not the other three.  I was perplexed.

As time went on, those four angels moved as did other things in my bedroom…and home.  Eventually I moved out of there, to a different province and to a different home. Over the years I wondered if the new owners experienced  their things being moved from one area to another. Or even if they had noticed.

Back in January of this year, I had moved back into my demolished home and made due.  I was in the kitchen cooking something and needed a teaspoon out of my cutlery drawer.  My cutlery container has four sections to it: one for knives, one for forks, one for soup spoons.  These three line up vertically in a row.  The fourth section, lies horizontally, below the top three.  This is where I put teaspoons, plastic protein measuring scoops, miscellaneous items, etc.

As I was retrieving a teaspoon, I turned over one of the plastic protein measuring scoops and there were two green cadbury mini eggs! They weren't in a packet, they looked brand new, sitting side by side within this plastic scoop that was originally turned upside down.  My brain did another "What the…” and I muttered "mini eggs?".  I threw them into the trash and thought nothing of it...except "what the heck?"

In February, the same thing happened.  This time, there were two blue Cadbury mini eggs sitting nicely, side by side, in a blue upside down plastic scoop. Again my brain became confused because it was the second time this has happened.  I've lived in my condo for six years and I have never found two random pieces of chocolate in my cutlery drawer of all things. I love Cadbury mini eggs, but I don't store them individually and I rarely buy them. If I’m going to store them anywhere, I store them in my tummy. 

Again I threw them away, muttering in disbelief of this find...

In June I had to move out of my home for the month because my new flooring was being installed.  My home was put into storage and I, along with my cat and dog, moved into a rental. Occasionally I came home to check on the progress, but not very often. Truth be told, with all the stress I’ve gone through this past year, it was nice to be away from the memories and trauma of the event. 

At the end of June, Sprocket, Moose and I moved back in. 

Mid July,  I get this urge to clean out/get rid of items in my kitchen that I no longer use or need.  I open my cutlery drawer, pull everything out of the teaspoon section and find....two green Cadbury mini eggs!!  What the heck?!?!?! They were in another upside down plastic scoop.  

It is now October and I haven't found any more yet. A friend thinks it is the spirit of my Dad, but I’m not sure.  He passed away in 1996 and we weren’t that close.  Occasionally growing up, my Dad would bring my sister and I a box of Smarties, something I cherished.  After I ate them, I’d buy another box to refill the one he gave me.  Often, I’d hold onto that empty box because it represented something my Dad gave me.  Usually he gave me a hard time, but that box of Smarties represented a small amount of love he had for me.. I think if it was him bringing me chocolate, it would be Smarties, not Cadbury mini eggs. 

Mini eggs remind me of spring, which is my favourite season as well as the season I was born. I have fond memories of Easter being on my birthday many moons ago.  As a child, my family took my sister and I to a local easter egg hunt and I found the silver egg and won a prize - a stuffed animal bunny in a little basket.  

I don’t recall eating mini eggs as a child, only Smarties. 

My logical mind wonders: Why the cutlery drawer? Obviously the culprit wants me to find them as I go into it multiple times a day.  Why two of the same colour in the same plastic measuring cup? Who or what is placing them there? What is the purpose of such an odd thing? What is the message?

I’ve asked the tradespeople if they are doing it and of course no one confessed. When they are here, I am too.  If I ask my Guides if it is a person or spirit, I don’t receive any answer. 

I am absolutely perplexed as to who, what and why I'm finding these things...if you’re going to leave me mini eggs, why only two?

Give me the whole damn package….

Either this is a trick by one of the tradespeople or a treat from a ghost with a sweet tooth…


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The Captain, The Engine Crew and the Underground Library