Angel & Mediumistic Reading Testimonials…

Esquimalt Lagoon, BC

"The Reading given to me by the lovely Jane was stimulating, exciting, synchronous, revealing, fascinating, focusing, enlightening, uplifting and a sheer Joy !

Jane had clearly spent a long time, prior to the Reading, asking her Guides for information and writing out copious notes in preparation, and I felt, strongly, that she had gone to great lengths in ensuring that I received the best possible value from my experience. A truly memorable and valuable experience it was, too !

I hereby recommend anyone reading this testimonial to book a Session with Jane without any hesitation ! You will NOT be other than delighted with the result.

Jane is energetic, honest, kind, a delight to be with, and in fact just fabulous, and, quite simply, hugely gifted. No mistake !"

Pauli Murphy

Children's Book Author of:

"Rufus and the Flying Carpet" Book One

United Kingdom

"I wanted to take a moment to thank you for seeing me today. Although somewhat skeptic, I truly believe you have a gift. Albeit a gift I don't truly understand - a gift nonetheless. There is no possible way you could of known some of the things you shared with me today unless that information came from outside of yourself. I suppose someone who was very skeptical would say that you are merely someone who is very observant of others - but how could you have possibly known some of the obstacles I've had to overcome. No - you have a gift. A gift that should be shared with others.

Be the Buffalo and walk into the storm. So very cool to know someone with such a beautiful soul as you have..."

Kevin McPherson,


“It was so nice meeting to and talking with Jane! I was very nervous beforehand, as I usually am with new people and situations, but Jane made me feel totally comfortable and was so easy to talk felt like I had known her for years! She has a true gift. Having never met her, she told me things that she couldn't have known, so I know she was in touch with my angels/guides who obviously know me well and gave sound advice. She even said things that made me laugh. The whole conversation/session was very enjoyable and beneficial!”

Tammie Fabien

United States of America

“Jane is probably the best psychic medium I know in Canada. Top tier, highly accurate and eye-opening readings are what she delivers to her clients. She carries a lot of medicine as well and interacting with her can be healing.

Everyone should read with her to know how it feels to interact with a genuine psychic medium. It is a unique experience and very different from other vague readings I have had.

Folks, as gifted as Jane is, true mediums are hard to find in this world. She is full of light, very attuned to Spirit and her responses are detailed, specific and deep. She is also professional and empathetic. Read with her and you will see what I mean!”

Sharlene Mohammad


“My wife and I had an Angel reading with Lady Jane and it was a profound experience!

She greeted us with kindness and appropriate professional boundaries that made us feel cared for and safe. Her angelic, intuitive observations were remarkably accurate and confirmed things we knew to be true and also clarified things that we had not understood about ourselves, our relationship, our health and our life in general.

We immediately healed a great deal and saw a clear way forward in our life. She gave us a few simple exercises to do that will clear toxic energy from our auras and from our home. Our reading from her was a gift that we will treasure. We highly recommend Jane as an accurate, professional intuitive.”



"Jane’s gifts offer us the wisdom and awareness from our personal guides and angels who remind us that we are cherished, loved and supported in our journey in life.

I recommend her as she is able to assist in bringing healing information and guidance for our spiritual awakening, finding our true purpose and helping us through life’s adversities. "

Tarra Judson Stariell, LMFT


Sanity Lost & Found: A True Story of Brainwashing and Recovery

United States of America

“This experience rocked on so many levels. I felt like we part of the same cosmic coin. I'd do this again with her!”

Cynthia Vaughn

United States of America

Family Reading:

“Jane is an incredible person and a beautiful soul. She has brought healing, strength and words of encouragement and wisdom to myself as well as my entire family, through 1:1 readings and an altogether family reading. We have felt the calling to engage with Jane many years ago and have since called on her through many of our life’s ups and downs to seek spiritual guidance. She is so positive, uplifting, and is very direct with what she feels, sees, and hears from spirit. I myself have found so much healing talking with her and my whole family speaks of our session with Jane as positive beams of light in our lives as we navigate through life together and apart.

Thank you Jane for your blessings and we hope to continue receiving your incredibly power gifts of messages and words of wisdom from spirit.”

Tierra, Estrella, Oceana and Laurie Madani

Canada & United States of America

“When our life was in complete chaos, your call and messages from our daughter gave us the much needed solace and comfort we were seeking. I have no words to Thank you. You were a guru there showing us the path and guiding us.

Our humble pranams to you. We honestly pray to god that all those who are in grief get someone like you to lift their lives.

Om shri gurubhyo namaha”

Bharathi and Prasanna


“Jane has the ability to see through the dimensions of time and space with what is best for me at the moment, is truly extraordinary. She embodies the angelic contact I seek to know myself capable of and in that way, subconsciously guides me into the certainty I think I lack, and seek guidance for, but find inside myself. In that way, she is a hilarious embodiment of the heyokha, that sacred trickster who made people in their communities laugh. Throwing off the burden of the question, moves me out of a space of right and wrong, good or bad in my choices, and let’s my inner guidance system synergistically align with the guidance of the angels. She is a true Angel Ambassador.”

Dr. Teresa M. Tipton


“It is always wonderful to meet with Jane. She is deeply compassionate, kind and caring. I have been working with Jane for several years and I find her sessions to provide helpful insight and guidance. If you are at a crossroads in your life, a place of transition or difficulty I highly recommend a session. Meeting with Jane is part of my regular self care process.”

Dr. G. Jones


“I really wasn’t sure what to expect at first, because speaking with a Medium is not something I would ever typically do. I also know there are a lot of questionable Mediums out there so I was also concerned about the cost at first…. however Jane is just different, she is an absolute pleasure to work with, within seconds I just instantly feel at peace and open to sharing more than I expect to and in an absolutely life-changing and ‘breath of fresh air’ kind of way. To me, whether I’m talking to family, a friend or a Medium, the most important thing is to feel comfortable like I can trust them and that they're authentic, and Jane really delivers so much in these areas. I wholeheartedly recommend Jane to anyone that has ever felt there’s something more to life and they want to talk to someone who will understand, listen, and simply have a laugh with :). The value she delivers is priceless. Thank you Jane.”

Vijay C.

United Kingdom

“I felt an immediate connection with Jane! She felt like an old friend that knew me well…her reading was spot on! I was holding on to some sadness and heaviness when we started the reading, but by the end of the reading I was doing a happy dance! Her channeled message was exactly what I needed to hear! And the next morning the synchronicities that I received confirmed the accuracy of her message. I look forward to working with Jane again & highly recommend her!”

Katey S.


“Talk about seriously gifted!

Jane picked up hard facts and outcomes I never disclosed to her. Her abilities are multi-layered and she zeroes into the mundane as well as the higher spiritual influences and information. No guesswork and vague information here. Real facts and sharp insights.

I have read with sensitives and psychics from many places, including the world famous Hans Christian King and Jane ranks up there with him. Sensitives of this caliber are hard to find and I feel fortunate to connect with her. Anyone wanting to interact with a really gifted psychic should read with her. You will see what I mean.”

Carol Ann Mohammad,


“I have always had my own internal guiding system that led me to all synchronicities in my life. However, I was attracted to experience what it would feel like to be guided by Guides from the Spirit world. First time in my life I felt how pure this energy can flow through a Human being and validate things that we can only guess about....The spiritual help flowing through Jane is enlightening, practical, grounded and actionable and a real life navigation. I can honestly say Jane is a real deal.”

Dr. Veselka Nikolova, MD

Akashic Records Readings for Soul Realignment

Soul Realignment

United Kingdom

“What a beautiful session Jane. From the moment we connected, which in itself was so seamless with the technology, I could feel your light, loving, presence and a feeling of being welcomed into this Angelic connection. All the messages that had burst forth for me that you had received even prior to our actual session time were so incredibly resonant, and delightfully surprising at the same time. The phrases you used were exactly on point as ones I had used in describing myself. This session felt like such an honouring of my gifts and how I am here to serve. By the end of the session my wings were ready and I flew off into my day with such lightness. With so much gratitude to you Jane. What a blessing you are to the world.”

Debbie Mckenzie

Heal. Evolve. Shine


Couples Reading:

Blake: I wasn’t sure what to expect from Jane, I have never had a session with a medium. It was a really great couples session, we covered many aspects of life, relationships, business and hearing about loved ones who have passed on. Being new to all of this, I am surprised how accurate Jane is with interpreting and understanding people in my life with just their first name. The experience was very insightful. For me, it has helped reinforce some big decisions and has renewed my energy toward my goals. I will meet with Jane again in the future and now that I know how it works I have new questions everyday.

Our session gave me (and us) so much more than I expected. Now, I wish I hadn't waited so long to get a session as a couple!

Maria: I've always been very connected to the spirit world and had shared that with my partner but it was difficult for him to understand or wrap his mind around. I contemplated giving him his own reading but having the session as a couple not only opened his eyes to this world, made him more at ease, but also brought us closer in a way that couldn't have happened if it wasn't done together. As we were receiving messages as a couple and as individuals, I could feel so much healing taking place as we’re talking! We're already planning to have another session soon and have decided that these sessions are so valuable to us that they are now going to be a part of our lives moving forward from now on.

Blake and Maria

United States of America

“Lady Jane is a gift to those who seek a greater understanding of the life they are living and the answers to the many mysteries it holds. Her gentle presence, easy laugh and laser keen perception forged by her amazing life story is your assurance that you are in for an unparalleled experience when you have her as your guide.”

Michael J.
