What To Expect…

My Backyard

By using your first name, I connect directly to your Angelic team of Light. When speaking with loved ones who have crossed over, their first name is required, in order for the connection to be made.

Messages received are usually about what is happening in your life at the moment. Questions are encouraged to be asked about any area of your life you may have concerns around. The more questions you ask, the deeper the guidance becomes.

I give your Angelic team of Light, (and your loved ones in Spirit), permission to use my eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body to deliver their messages, so that I may feel what they are feeling, see what they are seeing, speak how they speak, etc., which forms deeper bonds between myself and the Spirit or Angelic presence. From them, I only ask for crystal clear and accurate messages that are for your highest and greatest good. My readings are an active conversation between you and I, and Spirit. What I see, hear, feel, I will tell you. If I don’t see it, I don’t say it. I am not in control of who comes in to speak with you, I am only in control of what I deliver to you.

It is best to have all of your questions ready before your session.

Once the messages are revealed and delivered, I disassociate from all information your Guides, Angels and loved ones tell me.

In-person Sessions: Not Available At This Time

Telephone Sessions: These are not recorded, but if you wish for the session to be recorded, then this becomes your responsibility.

Video Sessions: I use the Teleport Video Conferencing system. Sessions can be recorded through Teleport. Once you book, a link will be provided in the confirmation email, as well as the reminder email two days before your appointment.

Custom times and dates available upon request.

I ask that you be on time for your appointment, as time is a sacred commodity for us all.

If you’re 10 minutes late, your session will be rescheduled..

The best thing anyone can do is let go of all expectations of what a reading “should” be, and instead enjoy the energetic exploration into higher realms that few tend to tread.

Please note that through past experiences, I have connected with the majority of my clients. On a rare occasion, I may not connect with you. If that is the case, I will inform you & terminate the session.

Please have an open mind during our time together.

Respect is important for all parties involved and it is imperative that we treat each other with kindness. Abuse will not be tolerated.

Although the messages may not always be what we want to hear, they are always what we need.

(Please note: I do not find missing people or misplaced/lost objects, and I am not a fortune teller.)