Terms of Service…

Mystic Beach, BC

Please Read Before Booking an Appointment

Limitations on Use

You must be 18 years of age or older to use our services, unless accompanied by/or have current valid written approval from an approved guardian(s) and/or parent(s). In certain jurisdictions, the age of majority may be older than 18, in which case you must satisfy that age in order to use our services. While individuals under the age of 18 may utilize the service, they may do so only with the involvement of a parent or legal guardian, under such person’s responsibility and otherwise subject to these Terms of Use. The legal guardian(s) or parent(s) hereby waives and releases Angel Wing Consulting (Jane Dance) or any of its affiliates of any/all responsibility and/or liability(personal or otherwise) before, during and following participation with Angel Wing Consulting (Jane Dance). All appointments are scheduled in PACIFIC STANDARD TIME (PST). It is the client’s responsibility to be available at the time of the appointment. Not being available for a scheduled appointment forfeits the appointment.

Legal Disclaimer

Disclaimer for Psychic/Mediumship/Spiritual Readings

Psychic readings are subject to interpretation and should not be taken as absolute.

You accept fully, by using our services through a direct or indirect request for a psychic reading of any kind, the following: Angel Wing Consulting (Jane Dance) will connect with the world of Spirit and will also gain insight using her psychic awareness. Angel Wing Consulting (Jane Dance) assumes no legal liability for any damages, losses, or other consequences of any client decisions, subsequent to, or based on readings provided. Please use your own common sense and judgment at all times.

All readings that are provided through Angel Wing Consulting (Jane Dance) are for guidance only. A reading is never 100% accurate. What you decide to do with the information that Angel Wing Consulting (Jane Dance) gives you, including any actions you take, is down to your own personal responsibility and choice. It will not force you to follow a particular course of action, nor attempt to exert any form of control over your free-will and common sense. The contents of a reading are not legally binding. In no way do I guarantee, or am I to be held liable for what manifests in your life. Any decisions made, or actions taken by you as a result of your reading are your sole responsibility and have not been forced upon you.

All readings and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgement.

For legal reasons we have to advise you that the readings are for entertainment purposes only. Angel Wing Consulting (Jane Dance) services are not a substitute for professional services and it is advised that you should seek advice from a relevant qualified expert (ie. doctor, legal, financial).

Legal Matters: It is recommended that clients must seek advice from a solicitor/ lawyer.

Medical Questions: It is recommended that the client must seek medical advice from a professional.

Business Questions: It is recommended that the client must seek advice from a financial adviser.

Mental Disorders: It is recommended that the client must clarify their condition by taking professional advice from a health professional.

Right to Terminate

Please note that through past experiences, I have connected with the majority of my clients. On a rare occasion, I may not connect with you. If that is the case, I will inform you & terminate the call, chat or in-person session. Please have an open mind during the call or chat. Respect is important for all parties involved and it is important that we treat each other with kindness. Thank you! Abuse will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to terminate or restrict your use of our services, without notice, for any or no reason whatsoever.


If you need to cancel your appointment please give 24 hours notice. If you book a phone reading and pay in advance, it is non-refundable and we will re-book the reading at my convenience.

Refund Policy