Something in the Wind…

As I stare out of my bedroom window, with no thoughts in mind, a large bank of fog overcomes the horizon. The wind gently blows, enabling the fog to engulf everything that crosses its path, digesting it completely without a  trace.

What was once the naval shipyard, is now nothing, consumed by the hungry fog. Vapours of mist glide along the wind, carrying their scent of beauty, leading the way for the fog to follow. 

Two dogs emerge, unaware or uncaring about the imminent fog. A trickle of ocean separates these dogs and I, as the underbelly of the ocean is exposed with the seemingly low tide. One dog runs back into the trees, leaving the second one behind. The loyal remaining dog lays belly to the sand, waiting for instructions from an invisible owner. 

There must be a storm on its way, as the wind picks up and the temperature drops a few degrees. What was once calm and serene, has now come to life, and it isn’t afraid to make its presence known. 

As the mist continues to dance across the ocean, beckoning the fog to follow, all scenery is dissolved in its wake. The scent of the sea air engulfs my sanctuary as I deeply breathe in, eyes closed, this delicious air to nourish my mind, body and soul. When I open my eyes, the bank of fog has made its way to my home, eliminating everything in its path. 

Every window in my oasis looks out onto nothing, as the thick fog swaddles my home.  Everything is still, except for the blowing wind out there in the void, which I can not see. I liken this to sitting within the eye of a tornado, where everything is still and silent…

That is how my life feels at the moment: still and silent.  

I’ve had a lot of change over the past eight months, and really over the past three years.

My beloved cat and dog passed away within eight months of each other, leaving my home still and silent…

The podcast upon which I enjoyed doing, was removed from me as I grieved my dog and has left my life still and silent… 

The “friends for life” friendship I formed with the host has disappeared, which has left my mind still and silent.. 

About four times a year, I ask the Universe to remove what no longer serves a purpose or holds value in my life, and as usual, the Universe responded.  People who no longer hold value fall away, as do situations or things that no longer serve a purpose.

This move is not for the faint hearted though, as the release will be instantaneous and clean.  People will be in your life one day and gone the next. Situations that have bothered you for a while will be eradicated overnight. Everything and everyone who isn’t in your life for your highest and greatest good will be gone, in the blink of an eye. 

I liken it to a deep detox. It cleans out everything that your heart already knows you should let go of, but your mind is constantly talking you out of letting the person/thing go. 

In the days after asking for this powerful detox to take place, I  had been feeling that there is a subtle shift coming in, that doesn’t appear to be for everyone. 

As I wake up in the mornings, the air just feels different.  It reminds me of the Mediterranean, a place I’ve never been, but long to visit. I wake up feeling like I’m living in Greece, with warm, vibrant air sweeping into my home and life. It isn’t because my home is decorated in creams and light greys with accents of blue, it is because of a subtle change that is coming off the wind. 

I gave a reading to a lovely soul in Australia recently and this change in the air came up. I realise change is inevitable, but this feels different somehow. It feels like the world has become so busy that only those who stop and listen, will catch the change in the wind.

Whatever this is that has entered my orbit, it told me to let go of social media…so I have.  I deactivated my Facebook account, deleted my Instagram account and my YouTube channel. I deleted my page to a spiritual online directory that I’ve had for years.  I don’t have use for them anymore, and social media can be problematic.  Anyone who has watched the Netflix movie, “The Social Dilemma”, knows what I am talking about. 

Teenagers are having plastic surgery so they look like their selfie filters. It’s called “Snapchat Dysmorphia”, which stems from an underlying mental health issue, but cosmetic surgeons are still chomping at the bit to manufacture these false results. 

I really just shake my head in disbelief that this is the world that I live in…that WE live in…and it’s not really a world that I want to partake in.

My life has become peaceful, with this simplicity.  I no longer have the chaos, confusion or drama around every turn. 

Synchronicities have been coming in more frequently and people have been mirroring situations from my past. These mirrors  have shown me how much I have grown and how strong my boundaries have become. 

Yesterday a coworker told me that she was intimidated by me, and my response to her was “Good”. In the past I would have soothed her concerns, but now I feel that a hint of intimidation is a good thing to have. It is a strength and an honour to carry. 

Two weeks ago, I spent 8 hours in the ER.  I thought I had fractured my foot and my strategy was to get x-rays; so that my chiropractor could read them further in the week. I didn’t tell anyone I went, except for my boss and a friend, who kept tabs on me through text.

Through a work group chat, I happened to learn that a coworker was also in the ER in a different hospital, at the same time, on the same day, with a suspected fracture. 

During those 8 hours, a bird flew into the window, dropped to the ground and instantaneously a falcon scooped up the bird and flew off.  Those of us in the ER were stunned, as it’s not something you want to see, while waiting to see the doctor.  Someone commented that falcons are rarely seen, yet those of us who were cognisant enough to hear the sound of the bird fly into the window, were given a rare opportunity to see a magnificent predator. 

One lady I was talking to mentioned how that was nature:  You’re living your life, smash into a window and get eaten by a falcon. Circle of life. 

There is something more to this transformation than the average change we go through.  I feel that those who are moving too fast or who are full of stress, will miss it. Either that or it isn’t meant for you at this time. 

If you’re not paying attention to the wind, you won’t notice it ruffling your hair or caressing your skin.  It will simply move past you and to find the person who does appreciate or pay attention to it.

I feel like I’m standing still and listening at the same time.  I watch people come and go, who aren’t listening to the wind.  

This change is so subtle, yet profound in all of its awareness.  It feels absolutely beautiful, like a kiss of dewdrop on the morning flowers. If you’re not a morning person, you’ll never see dewdrops. They simply won’t exist when the sun comes out and warms the earth. 

I am a morning person, I just love them as they are sacred to me. I love the stillness of the world and enjoy hearing the birds as they tell us about their dreams, in their morning  songs.  The breathtaking swoosh of a bald eagle’s wings as it returns from its morning hunt or the cry from a peacock in the distance, always brings me joy.  The lone cry of a great blue heron, with its rough prehistoric call piercing the sky or the gentle ocean waves lapping the beach, always makes me smile.

Those who are not morning people or nature lovers will never hear their songs nor the caress of a gentle current of air as it interacts with the ocean. 

This exquisite change is like a hauntingly beautiful piece of music, that gives you rivers of shivers as you listen to each note separately, and helps you fall in love with the song in all its entirety. 

I’m not really sure what this change is about..  

Maybe it is about simplifying one’s life…

Maybe it’s about releasing everything that no longer serves a purpose or holds value in your life…

Maybe it’s about reconnecting to self or a deeper connection to Spirit…

Maybe it’s about embracing your true, raw, and vulnerable authentic self…

All I know is that by standing still and listening, will bring the sophisticated change in….

It’s not for everyone though, it's only for those who are willing to let go, listen and trust..


The Missing Step


Ready To Connect