Trauma Released

A knock at my door this morning, resulting in finding a package nestled between my storm door and front door…a very soggy package I might add. It wasn’t soggy from the rain though. Generally rain doesn’t smell like lemons and the Star of Bethlehem. I heard glass clinking from within, as I carried it to my kitchen. My first thought was, “Uh oh”.

This thoughtful gift had been sent to me by a lovely and kind client, now turned friend. She wanted to ease me back into living from within my previously flooded (and now chaotic and part bare bones) home.

As I gingerly opened the box, the fragrance tickled my olfactory system. I peeled back layers of wet cardboard, paper, tissue paper and bubble wrap. Inside were two bottles containing flower essence sprays, each wrapped in their own bubble wrap concoction and the remnants of a third bottle, which once held the sweet aroma that was now everywhere and in everything.

The first bottle is called “New Beginnings” and the second is called “Rainbow Chakra” which are produced by a company in Wisconsin called Earth, Wind & Flowers. I’ve experienced the power of these mists remotely but up until today, I have not personally owned a bottle, let alone two and a broken one before.

When I say the bottle is broken, I don’t mean that it’s in one or two pieces. The 4 oz bottle is splintered into 40+ shards of glass. At one point I thought the bottle had a unique design to it, but on closer inspection, the glass has multiple stress fracture lines. The two bottles next to it are almost perfect, minus very soggy and beautifully scented labels - they are reminiscent of a “scratch and sniff” sticker from my youth, yet the “scratch” part is redundant.

The broken bottle is called “Trauma Release” which I find quite comical because the bottle was bought from my friend with good intentions - to help me release the trauma of the flooding from my mind, body and spirit with ease and grace.

When I called her thank her for the thoughtful gift, I had to tell her about the broken bottle so that she could get a refund. I told her that it seems that the “Trauma Release” had indeed released in the box and was now all over everything. We had both had a good laugh as we thought about the profoundness of the situation.

Here is some food for thought:

  • This package has travelled from Wisconsin, USA to Vancouver Island, Canada and although I cannot say where or at what point the bottle broke, this package has travelled over 2,837 km ((1,763 miles).

  • Think of how many sorting machines, x-ray machines, conveyor belts, trucks, planes, and ferries this little package has been on in its travels to me…

  • Think of how many people have handled this package or smelled in the sweetness of the flower essences…

  • Think of all the other letters, documents, junk mail and packages that this little box has been in contact with or has nestled up against - each piece has touched or absorbed liquid from the little aromatic box….

The whole postal system from the US to Canada has come into contact with the aromatherapy or the liquid essence that helps people to release their traumas…

When all of the mail has been delivered and each person touches their items, think of how each of them will receive an unexpected healing gift…

Each person will breath in the “Trauma Release” flower essence, whether they know it or not and maybe, just maybe it will help them to release their traumas that they’ve been holding on to.

Seems the “Trauma Release” balancing spray has done it's job…it’s helping to release trauma from hundreds, if not thousands of people.

That’s powerful if you really think about it!

Towards the end of our phone conversation, my friend said: “Well, I guess you don’t need that one” and we both laughed.


My Take on Spirituality


Atmospheric Rivers