Anxiety and Beliefs


I love, love, love being a Medium! Let's face get special access into other dimensions, communicate with guides, animals or people who have crossed over, see a different perspective and have access to information that isn't necessarily available to most people. It's like being part of an exclusive club. I equally love helping people heal with my readings, plus receiving validation from the reader on something that you know nothing about, is incredible! For myself, it has NEVER been about the money. It's about the profound healing that comes with knowing that we are cared for, loved and supported by our ancestors who came before us, and being able to express this to the reader to help them along on their journey of life.

Now to some, being a Medium would be terrifying. People cringe at the thought of ghosts and spirits making their presence known, their bed shaking, hearing footsteps when no one is present, objects flying or levitation through the air, etc. I love it! It always amazes me how a Spirit can manipulate energy to manifest or to move objects or to talk, even if it is a word or two. We take that for granted, but Spirits have to find creative ways to make their presence known. How cool is that?! (As I'm writing this, a bag of marshmallows just flew off of my counter. Spirits always want to be in the limelight.)

The thought of these manifestations to some people, would induce severe anxiety, which brings me to my topic. I have heard it said that "ALL Mediums/psychics have anxiety" and upon hearing this, I thought to myself that I don't have anxiety at all! Beliefs and Anxiety are huge topics these days and I began to wonder that if this was the case, perhaps I wasn't a medium at all...knowing full well that I was! I know of a few mediums and some suffer from anxiety and others don't, so hearing that "ALL" mediums have anxiety is a belief.

What is a "belief"? In the English Oxford dictionary, a "belief" is described as: "An acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof." It makes me wonder how did the belief that "ALL mediums have anxiety" come about? Did a group of medium friends get together over lunch, after a long day of ghost hunting and realize that they all have anxiety and then lump every medium together as being the same?? Not all mediums work the same way: some can see the future, some connect with guides and angels, some connect with the earth, others connect with loved ones or like myself, connect with what's going on right at this moment in your life, and to bring you healing.

To say that "ALL mediums suffer from anxiety" is like saying "don't run with scissors, you might fall and poke your eye out." Yes you might fall, but you also might not. These are beliefs that we learned as children, "gifted" to us through our parents, as their parents, "gifted" to them, and so on and so forth.

Beliefs are powerful! They can instigate fear, anxiety, rejection, distress, etc. They are ingrained into us from the moment we are born...perhaps even before that. They mold us into who we are because someone in our life (past or present) unknowingly "gifted" us their belief and we believed it to be true, even without proof that it existed! Think about that last sentence for a moment...

Imagine if I gave you an invisible seed and told you that if you planted it in some soil and watered it daily, that it would grow into a beautiful plant and produce flowers made of 24k gold! You might be thinking: "That's crazy, I'd never believe that!", and yet we allow others to plant their beliefs into our minds, and see them as truth!

I often listen to my sister talk to her son, and I pick up on the beliefs she says to him: "Don't run at the pool, you might slip" , "Don't touch the plate, you might burn yourself" , "Put that down, you might poke your eye out!" Little does she know that she is "gifting" her son, her beliefs. He may grow up believing that every time he sees a plate, he'll become afraid to touch it, for fear he will get burnt. We carry around these beliefs we've been told our entire lives, wondering why we are the way that we are. What beliefs have you been told, that don't hold any truth?

Facts are different. Facts are defined in the English Oxford dictionary as " A thing that is known or proved to be true. " If my nephew was to stick his hand into a hot oven, he would get seriously burned. That is a fact. It is much different than a belief.

The topic of Anxiety these days is well discussed and honored. Many people suffer from anxiety and although I don't, many of my friends do. I know people who take daily medication for anxiety, just to make it through the day, and if I could take away their anxiety, I certainly would. I've witnessed people have anxiety attacks and it makes me feel helpless that I can't take their fears away. It would be lovely if everyone could live their life as best as they could, without fear and anxiety.

If one of your friends opens up and says that they are a Medium, first of all, give them a hug. If they tell you that they have been told that "ALL mediums have anxiety", and they tell you that they don't have anxiety, please let them know that that statement, is indeed a is not a fact. Not ALL mediums have anxiety. I don't, and that is a fact.

Of course these are just my thoughts to share with you…


My Near Death Experience (NDE)


The Haunting of Me