The Haunting of Me


The picture that I chose, for this topic, is perfectly fitting. To most people, seeing a vague, shadowy figure appear out of nowhere, is straight out of a horror movie and it would probably send shivers down people's spines. This is my life to see things like this and it's perfectly exciting and "normal".

What is "normal" anyways? Normal is a setting on a washing machine. I was once told by an ex that I'd get "further in life being normal, than being weird." As much as I wanted to tell him that he'd get further in life being weird than normal, I bit my tongue. I bit my tongue so many times throughout that relationship, I have a tongue full of scars (figuratively speaking). I don't know about you, but I don't want to be a setting on a washing machine, and I certainly don't want to be like anyone else. I enjoy being unique, a free spirit and being haunted.

You read that right...I enjoy being haunted. Let that digest for a little bit... There are buildings, lands or objects that are haunted, but I am haunted. I have been told by other mediums that Spirits are attracted to me and they come to me. Generally I don't have to go out and "find them", they come to me, whether I am at home or out and about in my daily life or at work. I have had interactions with Spirits since I was born and I've been haunted all my life.

Spirits love technology and electricity....and I mean LOVE it. They use the energy from our computers, televisions, cell phones, laptops, iPads, cameras, etc and manipulate them to communicate with us....or to scare the crap out of people.

Wherever I live, within a year or two, the haunting begins. It's like I'm living under the radar when I move, and then Spirits find me and pick up where they left off. It'll start with a lamp turning on by itself, or my cell phone turning itself on or off, or taking pictures on its own. Eventually a portal forms in my home; a gateway for spirits to easily come and go. The last two places that I lived had portals in them...creepily enough in my bedroom.

I've lived in my current home for two years, and like clockwork, the haunting has begun. My home is an open concept, so when I go to bed and turn off all the lights, if a light is accidentally left on, I will see it. About a month ago, I went to bed like usual, all the lights were off and my home secure and sounds. About an hour later, I was startled awake by my chihuahua, Moose, and he was screaming. Waking up so suddenly, out of a deep sleep, is startling to say the least. I woke up disoriented, and confused as to what or who was screaming and when I came back to full consciousness, I realized it was Moose...then I realized a light was on...

Getting out of bed, Sprocket (my cat) was in full rocket launch mode on Moose. (I'd scream too, personally. My cat can be a jerk sometimes!) Behind my two boys, I stared dumbly at the lamp that was on, knowing full well that all the lights were off when I went to bed. As I turned the lamp off, I said hi to the Spirit that turned it on. Sometimes Spirits manipulate electronics to communicate or to let us know that they are there. Other times, they try to scare us or "over power" us or...let's face just be a jerk. Maybe they were a cat in a past lifetime...who knows.

Since the passing of my step dad in May (2018) the activity has increased. It's almost a daily occurrence. Henry and I were like oil and water in life. When the oil and water temporarily mixed, we got along for a short period of time, but when the oil and water separated, we were happier living our separate lives. Our relationship wasn't all unicorns and rainbows. It was more like fire breathing dragons and powerful thunderstorms. Although our relationship was quite turbulent at times, he made my mom happy for 14 years, and in the end, that's all that mattered.

I was present for Henry's passing, just by the way it turned out; Murphy's Law. I seemed to be present during all of the "big and traumatic" events of his life. I was present when he breathed his last few breaths of life and then his final exhalation. I was present when he left his body, as family surrounded his newly deceased body, crying and saying their goodbyes. As Henry lay where he died, I was present when two of his four sons, plus my sister toasted his body, with a painful shot of Crown Royal, his favourite drink of choice.

Henry always watched the news every evening, and when I watch tv, the channel will change to the 6 o'clock news, by itself. In my mind I can hear Henry say "It's 6 o'clock, time for the news!" in his deep German accent. I don't watch the news..ever, it's not something I do. Being sensitive to energies, watching the news to me is like eating a dozen donuts at once: it's not good for you and it doesn't make you feel well afterwards.

I know that not all occurrences are Spirit related, and I try to find a rational explanation why things happen. I changed the batteries in my remote control and the TV still changes the channel by itself...especially at 6 pm when the news is on.

The other day I was in an important Zoom conference meeting and my laptop was fully charged. The meeting was about 15 minute in and my entire computer shut down! It literally flashed and then turned off! Thankfully I managed to get it to turn back on and back into the meeting.

Just this evening, I was preparing dinner in my kitchen and I heard a man whistling. It sounded like the person was standing right next to me. The whistling lasted a few minutes and then stopped. I stood there, in my tracks, listening to the silence, but then continued on with the preparation. Moments later, the whistling started up again and out loud I spoke to myself (in a questioning manner) "Who is whistling?"

Although I know that Henry wasn't a whistler in life, this Spirit felt different to me then Henry, if that makes sense. The essence of a person in life, stays with them in the after life, or so I believe. I think Henry is having fun, as he knows that I find it irritating. It appears that I have two spirits haunting me now. It doesn't scare me though, it's just part of being me, being a medium and being haunted.


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