Calling in the Light

I have designed this topic for those seeking illumination of their own spiritual journey. I decided to address this topic because of how often my clients and friends brought me examples of false light beings and experiences. Calling in the Light delves underneath the universal longing for spiritual connection through asking and receiving. The White Light is known to most of us spiritual seekers. It is that sacred space within the Universe that holds this high frequency energy. Calling in the Light offers an experience of what that is like, individually and collectively, to create that sacred space together.

White Light is not something separate from us. It is an invisible, living energy that can be felt and experienced. Some people see this energy as angels or ascended masters, colors, moving orbs or simply an all encompassing formless space of unending Light. For others, White Light encompasses all that spirituality represents - ultimate source energy of All That Is. It is all encompassing and all loving. It is a powerful energy associated with purity, clarity, beauty, elegance, shielding and protection. It is mysterious and untouchable. Simply put, it represents the existence of a Sacred Trust between each one of us connecting us with All That Is.

When you and I are in need of assistance and unsure of what to do next, what is our ‘go to’? Where do you go and what do you listen to? Many of us call out to the invisible realm for help. Calling in the Light simplifies how to connect with this living presence and bring it into the inner dwelling of being. Calling in the Light invites us to an intimate relationship with ourselves through its presence in our lives..

If we feel scared, or need help and protection, we ask for White Light to encircle us. As we do this, a powerful prayer is sent to the Universe and we receive an immediate response. It does not matter what you call it: the White Light is an active, living presence of universal benevolence.

When we have called in the Light, we might feel a warmth surrounding us, an intangible energy caress our face or an instant calm wash over our souls. The Light gives us that sparkle we crave. We trust that when we ask for the Light to accompany us, it does. We are able to breathe with ease as it washes over and cleanses us. But sometimes, we can call in the Light and not feel it. We ask for guidance but are uncertain what we ‘heard’. We ask for change and seemingly nothing changes. It is for these moments of doubt and uncertainty that this workshop was designed.

Although we see the White Light as an external force, what many of us don’t realize is that it also lies within us.

Calling in the Light calls for self-examination: Am I living authentically or am I dishonest with myself? Do I have compassion for others or am I self-centered? Do I speak my truth and follow my heart? Or do I live in fear and scarcity as my consciousness?

Is there tenacity in your blood or do you weep brittleness? Does our own experience become a self-fulfilling prophecy of doubt and mistrust?

Only when we begin to take an honest assessment of our behaviours, motivations and intentions can new awareness and growth begin. Giving away one’s power away to anything less than love or glamorizing false light distractions parasites your frequency and pulls you farther away from embodying the Light. We will go into this in more depth.

When you’re not living within the Light, life literally becomes dull. Heavy energies settle in. Fear, doubt, anxiety and lack lives beside you, they become your roommates. They remove your climbing gear by guiding you down into the abyss, one slippery slope at a time. Second guessing your decisions turns into indecisiveness. Your spiritual growth becomes stagnant and your light dims to an ember. This is where dis-ease begins. Dis-ease can become literal or it can be the motivator of greater attention to the role thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes have on behaviors Light workers may experience as blocks. What is often called a ‘block’ is simply an area our attention is being called to. Calling in the Light can help remove the blinders to looking at what is there and engaging our awareness about the personal role we had in creating it. The more we own ‘our stuff’ and not mystify its presence with anger, blame, and shame, the easier it is to release and dissolve. How do we do that? Calling in the Light simplifies and demystifies the process.

Demystifying the process is work. It requires our engagement. Instead of ‘getting rid of’ something, we embrace it the way the Light embraces us - wholly and completely, unconditionally. Revealing places where our love did not yet reach far enough. When we work through behaviours that awareness reveals is harmful to ourselves (or to others) and ask to dissolve the ones that no longer serve a purpose, we allow ourselves for Love to take root there instead, freeing us to step into the Light, surrendering to that Beauty and Grace to ground ourselves in Unconditional Love. Through the experience of reciprocated love, Divine Trust is grown.

The more we free our inner soul, the easier our light shines and becomes our North Star.

Written in collaboration by Dr. Teresa Tipton and Jane Dance.


Atmospheric Rivers

