
“It was a pink sort of smell- a smell that seemed to get bigger as you smelled it and then burst, just like the popping of a bubble”

― Alexander McCall Smith


I’ve been thinking about writing this blog for quite some time now.  It’s been in the back of my mind, showing itself every now and then to let me know it’s still there...wanting me to do something with it. 

People have often asked me how I do what I do. My response is always: “I have no idea.” I too have been perplexed with my gifts and abilities.  Oh I know that I was born with them and that they have expanded over time, but I want to know the why’s and how’s of who I am and how I came to be. 

There is one word that keeps showing up in the discovery of myself. This word is literally written within my Gene Keys profile.  

Bear with me as we go sideways for a minute. This might get a little confusing....

For those who are unfamiliar with the Gene Keys, they are “based on a fundamental code of consciousness and inspired by the Chinese I Ching, the Gene Keys are an inner journey whose purpose is to transform our core beliefs about ourselves, thus raising our lives onto a whole new level of awareness.”

The more you study them, the deeper down the rabbit hole you go, so make sure you have yourself anchored to something strong. The more you dive into the keys, the more you will  discover why you are the way you are.  

The Pearl Sequence of the Gene Keys “describes the stage of genuine exchange with the universe, of giving and receiving your deepest gifts in synchronicity with the greater whole.”

In my Pearl Sequence, I have the 19th Gene Key which according to the Gene Keys book is named “ The Future Human Being”. (No pressure, Jane.) Within that gene key is that word that’s been repeatedly talking to me: Synaesthesia.

Synaesthesia “is a rare phenomenon in human beings known as ‘synaesthesia’. Synaesthesia is the genetic ability to link different senses internally — for example, to smell with your eyes, or sense colours with your hands. It is actually deeply connected to the 19th Gift and can often be activated when a higher frequency passes through this Gene Key. Synaesthesia is a by-product of increased sensitivity to your sensory environment." (source

According to Scientific American, Synaesthesia is described as “ an anomalous blending of the senses in which the stimulation of one modality simultaneously produces sensation in a different modality. Synesthetes hear colors, feel sounds and taste shapes.”  From what I have discovered, there are many different ways to experience synaesthesia besides tasting shapes and hearing colours.

I am a synesthete, I have projective Synaesthesia. I see colours, shapes or forms when stimulated.  In layman’s terms my senses are intertwined.  Colours, shapes and words speak to me differently than most people.  I feel words and taste colours. Words convert themselves to shapes, like squares and circles.  Sentences speak to me as if they have their own identities like little human beings.  This is probably why it takes me all day to write a blog or a newsletter.  When a word or sentence isn’t right, it literally speaks volumes to me.  It becomes sharp and scratchy, like a tag on a new shirt until I find it’s smooth, round edged ancestor. 

When I close my eyes I see colours: oranges, blues, purples, greens, pinks and I see geometric shapes, like a kaleidoscope. 

People’s names have colours entangled within them, like teals, pinks, purples and yellows.  Other people are red, grey or beige. I know which client will be wonderful to work with and which ones will be trying, just by the feel of their name.  Or which person to become friends with because their name speaks colours. Some people are flat and beige, whereas others are flowers. Sometimes people taste round or they feel pink.  

A few months ago I read a client online and all I could see was teal.  Every time she spoke, teal would come out of her mouth and surround her and the computer screen. I knew she was there, but all I could see was teal. I mentioned this to her and she said her unpublished website was the colour teal.  

I choose my colours carefully.  The colours of my home are blue, white and black.  Black doesn’t represent anything to me.  It’s just there. It’s like eating something that tastes like nothing.  You wouldn’t want to eat a lot of it, but it fills the void until you can find something else. 

Android text messages make me feel  unwell.  Their green and white backgrounds leave me feeling nauseated and heavy whereas the Apple iPhone messages are blue and white, which makes me feel light and uplifted.  My website is blue and white and my Jeep is copper in colour (orange) which makes me feel neutral and protected. Reds feel like I’m suffocating. 

I’m particular about which websites I visit due to the sensory information I receive.  When I’m invited to attend a global summit or a workshop, I look at the person’s/companies website to see/feel how I react to it.  It basically digests the decision for me. If there is a service I wish to attend, for example a manicure, pedicure, hair or massage and I haven’t been to the establishment before, I’ll check out their website to feel/hear the colours to see if we are a good match. 

Skittles, the candy, has the slogan “Taste the rainbow”. For synesthetes, they actually taste the rainbow. Makes me wonder if the founder of Skittles has synaesthesia.

People with Synaesthesia reach deeper dimensions than those who don’t have it.  Some people believe that synaesthesia and psychic abilities are one in the same, but not all psychics have synaesthesia, just like all mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums.   

Now that we all have a better understanding of what Synaesthesia is, that’s how I “do” what I do.. 
It’s a unique recipe of:

1 cup medium abilities

1 cup synaesthesia

1 cup blind faith

1 cup belief 

1 cup trust

Mix all the ingredients together and serve with clarity.


Calling in the Light


Death at My Door