Psychic Development Circle


Every second Thursday, I teach a Psychic Development Circle, at Hidden Gem in Langford, BC, and November 1, was my first class.

If you have never been to Hidden Gem, you must go! It truly is a "hidden gem" not only for what the store contains, but for the location! When I first went to the store, I couldn't find it, as it is nestled away, or hidden from view. Definitely a "Hidden Gem"!

It was a torrential downpour of rain, that night, on November 1. It was coming down so fast that my windshield wipers were struggling to remove the water from my windshield, so that I could only see a few feet in front of me. Puddles as big as my Jeep engulfed me, as cars drove through them, encasing me in walls of water.

As I was making my way to the store, which contains a lovely sacred space to rent, for classes or workshops, I began to wonder who in their right mind would come out in this hurricane of a rain storm, to learn about opening one's intuition! Little did I know it, but six people braved the cold and rain to come and learn from me! (I think I can hear Angels singing!)

I introduced myself and then the six souls introduced themselves to me, as I was the stranger in the room. I gave them all an exercise which proved to be an amazing tool in my spiritual toolbox: Everyone wrote on a piece of paper a question or about a situation and sealed it into an envelope. After they gave them back to me, I re-issued them out to different people.

Any message that was received from the person "reading" the question in the envelope, was written down onto the envelope. Anything at all: image, whisper, scent, taste, vision, colours, whatever came to the reader, they would write it down. After a certain amount of time, and when everyone felt that their messages had stopped, they would hand back the envelopes to the original person.

Upon sharing the messages that were given and received, all of the students understood and were amazed by their power of intuition! One student even cried at the messages that she received to her question, and she said that those messages were exactly what she wanted to hear!

When I first noticed my intuition and gifts, I didn't have anyone to help me or to explain them to me, so I had to figure them out on my own. It wasn’t always easy and at times it was like unraveling an endless ball of knotted up Christmas lights, but eventually I made sense of it all.

Being able to teach and encourage these students into trusting their abilities is an honour and a gift! I look forward to the November 15th class, and I already have their next exercise ready!

I look forward to the November 15th class, and I already have their next exercise ready!


My New Super Power


Messages from a Newly Departed Soul