Messages from a Newly Departed Soul

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In May 2018, my stepfather died (he lived two hours south of me.) I was present for his passing, and as I was leaving the hospice (about an hour after he died) a very large black and white butterfly flew in front of my windshield; a butterfly that is not native to where I live. I marveled just how large it was, as it flew away.

About a week later, I was back home and I heard a tapping on my bedroom window. I looked up to see the "same" black and white butterfly. It stayed long enough for me to look up, and then it flew away.

A week later, I was at his wake, telling everyone about this butterfly. Low and behold, the "same" black and white butterfly appeared in the center of a flower arrangement, surrounded by friends and family of my stepdad.

Looking back, the day he died, I was wearing a black shirt with the cut out of a butterfly on my back; which exposed my bare (white) skin.

Needless to say, I never saw that butterfly again. I believe that my stepdad's soul saw my butterfly shirt, and brought me the "same" butterfly three times (my favourite number) to let me know he was okay.


Psychic Development Circle


The Annual Ross Bay Cemetery Psychic Walk