The Annual Ross Bay Cemetery Psychic Walk
Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, BC
On October 21, 2018, I was invited to be one of the volunteer psychics for the annual Ross Bay Cemetery Psychic Walk (RBC). Since moving to the island two years ago, this was my first time doing this sort of event.
I have always loved cemeteries, because of the history they nurture. I often think about the people who are buried in any cemetery and wonder about their lives: what did they do for a living? were they happy? were they successful? what was their life like? what was it like growing up in their time frame?
My thoughts on cemeteries and spirits, is that they don't "live" there. I believe once their soul leaves their body, upon dying, that they can go anywhere they want. I feel that cemeteries hold imprints or impressions of what the person was like in life, and that is what psychics/mediums/sensitives pick up on. I realize that people have claimed to see spirits in cemeteries, especially on Halloween, but I feel that they just don't choose to live at their place of rest.
The RBC walk is hosted by the Old Cemeteries Society, here in Victoria, BC. This society maintains the cemeteries by cleaning/fixing the grave markers, maintaining the grounds and recording the history of the people who are buried.
At the psychic walk, there were seven psychics/mediums/sensitives at all stages of their careers. Some were just opening their gifts, others were well known mediums and one or two were naturally born mediums. We were all wearing a microphone headset and a portable speaker at our waists. I felt like I was Madonna ready to go on stage...thank goodness I didn't have to speak or sing, I only had to speak up when a spirit was talking to me!
It was a beautiful, sunny day and there were 70 guests who came out for the walk. The group of 70 split into three groups and then each group had 1-3 psychics as well as a historian from the Old Cemeteries Society. I was in a group with a "beginner" psychic and a lady who comes from a long line of mediums.
Each group of psychics and historians took off in a different direction, as the cemetery is quite large; there are over 27,000 graves at Ross Bay Cemetery. My group and I slowly began walking around our area, calling out to anything that drew our attention. We came to one grave that had four pinwheel windmills, in each corner of her grave site. As we crowded around her grave, we remarked how loved she was as she had many decorations. Well loved in life and equally loved in death. We asked her to move the windmills and at first, only one or two moved. Then we asked her to move all four of them, but only three moved. Granted, three out of four, is pretty spectacular! Many people in our group were amazed and vocally expressed so...
I was drawn to a particularly old looking marker. It was black and leaning backwards. It looked as if it had stood there for a very long time. I just had this sense of the male being "left behind". I kept hearing "don't leave me behind" and when I expressed this to the group, the historian told everyone of a story, of this particular man being left behind.
On another occasion, I felt like I was in the military and that I could see crisp clean lines and standing up straight. I felt like I should shine my shoes and stand to attention. As I mentioned this, the historian said that we were in the military section of the cemetery. I have never been to this cemetery before and I didn't even know it existed! Wow!
During one point of the psychic walk, I became separated from my group. I was literally being pulled to the right and the other two psychics in my group went left. I have learned not to ignore spirits, so I told my newly formed group that I was being pulled away. I "saw" two spirits jumping up and down and waving at me, in a far corner of the cemetery, which I expressed to the group. My new group contained about 15 people or so, and I told them that if they wanted to follow me, that they definitely could, or they could go and find the original group. They chose to follow me.
As we were making our way to the two spirits I saw jumping up and down, we came across a military grave marker, which seemed out of place. We didn't have the historian with us, so I don't know why he was not "in line" with the rest of the military grave markers, nor do I know why he was placed where he was. I received an impression, which I shared with my group. I heard that his tombstone was not "clean" enough, although looking at it, it was literally gleaming in the sunshine! Upon closer inspection, there was a few bits of moss growing on the side of his marker. I was shown the impression of him breathing on his marker and polishing it with a cloth. I demonstrated what I saw to my group, by polishing his marker with the sleeve of my jacket. They all had a nice chuckle.
Next we approached the place where I saw the two "jumping and waving" spirits. One was male and one was a smaller female. We were right in the corner of the cemetery, where a beautiful tree was growing, with oceanfront views...such a gorgeous place to be buried! These two spirits were telling me that they felt "left out". A gentleman in my group said that it was true. He, along with others, expressed that the psychic walks don't ever come this far. He mentioned that they usually only go to the "famous" people buried in the cemetery. I told them that, I felt, that it was important to remember everyone, not just those who made a mark in our history.
The Ross Bay Cemetery Psychic Walk was only an hour long, and although I became separated from my initial group, it was an amazing experience! I wouldn't have changed anything for the world. Among the graves there were a family of Deer, running, playing and laying in the sunshine. One of the Deer was a gorgeous stag, with huge antlers, gracefully laying upon a grave, sleeping. To me, they felt like they were the protectors of the souls. In some native tribes of North America, the Deer was a messenger, an animal of power, and a totem representing sensitivity, intuition and gentleness. What an honour for those souls to have as their protector!
They reminded me that although there were over 27,000 people buried there, life truly does exist after death. If you ever get a chance to visit Ross Bay Cemetery, I highly recommend that you do so! Go and see what impressions you pick up on and know that all of the souls are grateful for your visit.