Alpha Brain Wave Enhancement Training

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In the beginning of October 2018, I attended a five day, premium double Alpha One Brainwave enhancement training program, at the Biocybernaut Institute of Canada. There were two of us, in the training group, and as we were vaguely told what would happen, a technician placed nine electrodes strategically onto our heads, in order to get an accurate reading of what our brain waves were doing. We were then each placed into our own soundproof, pitch black room and hooked up to a computer, and were given "vague"instructions as to what to do.

Time does not exist at Biocybernaut...literally. It does not "exist". Our watches and cell phones were considered "contraband" and the clock on the wall had its hands removed. In place of the hands, the word "NOW" was written. Whenever we asked what time it was, we were told "the time is Now".

Sitting in this dark, soundproof "chamber", as they call it, you begin to wonder what you signed up for, but as soon as you hear your brainwaves for the very first time, all that questioning and anxiety simply melts least it did for me.

In the Alpha One training, the areas of the brain that is focused on is the Occipitals (at the back of the head) and the Centrals (on the top of the head) because it is said that Alpha starts in the back of your head (Occipitals) floods to the front of your head (Frontals).

The reason for this neurofeedback program is to help your brain create more Alpha brain waves: Alpha brain waves are responsible for creativity, meditation, visualization, intuition and reducing depression, among other things. They are found in the sitting upright position, or when you unwind in nature, for example. During these sessions, we learned how to control the sounds of our brain waves with our mind. It was quite profound to learn how to turn the volume of our brain waves down, or up, with what we thought about or focused upon! Focusing produces a decrease in alpha brainwaves, whereas gratitude increased the volume of my brainwaves!

My brain produces a large amount of Alpha waves, which could be why I am a Medium. The trainer (or coach) said that it was "unusual" for someone to have as much alpha as I do, and that I was quite "rare". (This doesn't surprise me as I have a rare blood type and I had a rare cancer...and I like my steak rare.)

My mind is usually quite open and serene...I have never had a racing mind, full of thoughts. If you were able to sit in my thoughts, you'd see a clear blue sky, with the occasional tumbleweed blowing by. When a thought comes in, I address it and let it go. If numerous come in and try to flood my mind, I immediately tell it to STOP. I learned that when I do this, I change my pathways and create healthier ones.

As my brain produces a lot of alpha, sitting in my dark chamber, it was very loud! Imagine sitting in your vehicle with the music fully turned on...that will give you a sense of how loud it was in my chamber. At two minute intervals, scores appear on the computer screen in front of you, showing you how high of an amplitude your Occipitals and Centrals are producing. My right Occipital produces 1000 times higher amplitude than my left Occipital.

During the sessions, with this loud symphony of brainwave activity playing, mystical experiences are known to happen. I experienced one...and it was fascinating!

I had my eyes closed and I was listening to my tones (brainn waves). All of a sudden the tones disappeared and I was standing upon a cliff, my toes right at the edge of the cliff. The sky was purple and stars were everywhere! I remember the ground was just brown dirt, and there were pine trees in the distance. I was just standing on the edge of this cliff, very calm and then this massive black dragon, flecked with white, rose up from below the cliff! I mean this thing was HUGE!! I was the size of its eyeball! It didn't frighten me at all. I just stood there staring at this dragon, as he looked at me. Suddenly, I was pulled back into the chamber, and I could hear my tones once again.

I have never been drawn to dragons...ever. All of my life, people have told me that I look like an Angel, so dragons have never entered my life. I don't dream about dragons, talk about them, nor do I know anything about them. They just are not a part of my world, so for this dragon to show up is...simply amazing!

After our times in the chambers (as I was in a Premium Double, we went into the chamber twice a day) we would discuss with the trainer what we saw or what happened as we were doing our "work". Let me tell you that this is actual work! Memories come up from your subconscious mind, things people said or did to you come up. Anything can happen.

Your subconscious mind remembers everything that has happened to you since you were created: it remembers everything that was said to you, everything that you did, everything that you said to others, everything. Sitting in the dark, listening to your brainwaves, the subconscious mind brings memories forward for you to heal and clear away, even if you don't physically remember them at this moment in time, your subconscious mind remembers. During the debriefing with the trainer, they give you protocols on how to deal with these things, the main one being a Forgiveness protocol.

This training helps you clear out your subconscious mind to remove anything that you have been carrying around with you since the incident occurred. It removes labels or blocks that have affected you throughout your life and it helps you produce more alpha brainwaves, plus, it helps you HEAL!

When I first finished the five day program, I felt really spacey, like being drunk on was really bizarre. Everything was very vivid and the colours just popped! I remember listening to music on my drive home and feeling like I was being pulled right into the music. Focusing was impossible..I actually forgot (momentarily) how to do simple things. I felt like I was walking around and living in a different dimension, then everyone else. I can't even explain it.

It's been almost a month since I had my neurofeedback Alpha One training and I feel fantastic! Things that bothered me in the past/present, don't matter to me anymore. People that I've had issues with in the past/present, don't trigger me anymore and I have a lighter lease on life! I feel like someone opened up my brain and emptied everything negative that I've been carrying around with me and everyone that caused me pain, into the wastebasket. It's all gone!

It has affected my readings too! My readings have always been accurate, but now they are clean and crisp! They are like biting into a fresh, clean apple and hearing that first bite. My visions are crystal clear and I feel like I'm being transported into my visions. It is AMAZING!

If you ever get a chance to attend one of the training's at the Biocybernaut Institute, I highly recommend it. There are three centres: Victoria, BC, Sedona, AZ and Germany. It's the best detox I have ever done and the best part is that the effects of the training stay with you for the rest of your life and they continue to expand in your world! How amazing is that?!


The Annual Ross Bay Cemetery Psychic Walk