Dreams and Nightmares


It is said that we all have dreams, even though upon awakening, we may not remember them. It is thought that images, thoughts, sounds and voices, and sensations are experienced when we sleep, which is what creates dreams. Stresses from the day or our fears may make our dreams turn into nightmares. Although no one really knows what dreams are, Sigmund Freud believed that dreams are a window into our unconscious.

My dreams have always been vivid, full of colour and real. The colours pop with energy and I feel like I am right there, experiencing every detail. Sometimes my dreams don't make sense, but I have learned to change or alter my dreams, especially when the dream turns into a nightmare. Whether it's a dream from sleeping soundly or from waking up from anesthesia, my dreams have always been wildly vivid and full of colour.

Although I have heard that most people don't remember their dreams, I remember mine, quite vividly hours to days to even weeks later. It has been advised for us to keep a dream journal at your bedside, to record what happened during a dream/nightmare, upon awakening. Personally I have never been a "journal-kind-of-person" (I do see the irony here, as blogging is a type of journal).

Not only do I remember most of my dreams weeks later, I remember every detail. When I wake up in the morning, my dreams are fully intact as I prepare for the day. The times that my dreams do slip away, they return the moment my head hits the pillow, at the end of the day. As soon as my head touches the pillow, everything comes flooding back: all colours, all details. When they say "memory pillow" they weren't kidding! Although I don't think they were talking about the memories of dreams!

I work for a scientist, a Psychophysiologist , and asked him about this ability of mine. I asked him if this was a normal thing that other people can do, and he said no. In fact, he told me that it was "rare and unusual". Those three words seem to follow me around in all aspects of my life. I should get business cards that say: "Jane Dance, Medium. Rare and Unusual." Maybe I'll get them when my current business cards run out. Like usual, I thought everyone had this ability, but I guess not.

I've been meaning to write this blog because of a dream I had the other week. As per usual, I can remember it like it happened last night. It was crisp, clean and vivid.

In the dream, I was driving my jeep, and I remember that I was trying to park it in front of a hotel resort. The resort was situated high on a cliff. I remember that I wanted to park adjacent to the hotel, and at the edge of the cliff (in the parking area) there were cement blocks, to prevent you from plunging over the cliff. In life, I usually park my jeep in reverse, nose out, but in the dream, I was wanting to park, tail out. I gunned the accelerator and my front tires went over the cement block towards the cliff. Thankfully that my vehicle didn't go over the cliff, I accelerated backwards to get my front tires over the block (it's a jeep, they can go everywhere). Once free from the blocks, I accelerated in reverse to try to park again. Again I hit the gas, but I drove over the cement blocks and over the cliff.

I remember seeing the vivid blue ocean through my windshield, coming closer and closer, and I recall thinking of my escape plan, once I hit the water. I looked at myself in the rear view mirror, to see my hair floating up with the force of the acceleration, as I was heading nose down towards the ocean. My mouth was agape, as I was in shock of my situation. As I looked in the rear view mirror once again, my vehicle reversed in the air, as if in a replay, and then seeing the ocean coming closer and closer, as it had a moment before.

I awoke from the dream, startled, but as I was coming out of it, I heard two people whispering next to me, as if in a conversation. The whispers were as clear as day, although I couldn't make out what was being said. One "person" whispered something, and then the second "person" responded. There was definitely a conversation going on, upon waking up. Now I must point out that I have never woken up to a whispering conversation right next to me. It wasn't from the dream. I was the only person in the dream. The two "people" were right next to me, or above me. I even recall saying: "Who is whispering?!"

I was curious about this whispering, but fell back asleep. I don't remember my second dream of the night, but I do remember that upon awakening, I heard one "person" whispering. The second "person" was gone, and like before, I couldn't make out what was being said....but there was definitely whispering going on, something was being said, and I couldn't hear what.

Have you ever woken up to hear a whispering conversation or someone or something whispering right into your ear?! It's a little puzzling for sure, especially as it happened twice that night. To this day, I'm curious as to what was being said and has my subconscious mind picked up on something that I am currently unaware of?!

As I said earlier, I have learned to change or alter my dreams, as they are occurring. Most people experience nightmares, but mine are very graphic and horrific. I don't watch horror movies or anything like that, but my nightmares usually contain a lot of blood and gore. I am unaware where they come from, or why I get them. It could be a "Medium" thing, I truly don't know.

One nightmare I had, some friends of mine coaxed me to walk down this long hallway, and it was like I was on a conveyor belt. I didn't have to walk, per say, but just stood on this belt in the floor and it carried me to terrifying people. In the dream, I remember telling myself to not look up and to keep my eyes focused on the floor. The conveyor belt took me to a girl, with long dark hair, and she had blood coming out of her eyes. She got right up in my face, trying to scare me, but I kept telling myself to just look down at the floor. As the conveyor belt moved on from her, men appeared soaked in blood and gore, but I just told myself to remain motionless and look at the floor. Eventually the conveyor belt stopped and I left this room, to find my friends laughing and snickering at their cruel joke.

Somehow I have managed to manipulate my actions in dreams, when they turn to nightmares. I have heard that this is possible, although I can't quite say how I do it. Perhaps it is because my nightmares are so graphic and it is a form of protection...I really don't know. I do believe that because I am a Medium, that I am more "open" and susceptible to Spirits when I'm sleeping, both good and bad, so being able to manipulate my actions in my dreams, is a way to keep me safe and protected, when I am in different dimensions.

A few years ago, I had this dream that I was a Medium, and was part of a research team. This team of people wanted to do a documentary on a house where five people had been murdered. Their bodies were laid to rest elsewhere, but the team wanted to explore the house for their research. (To this day, I can still "see" every detail.)

One of the team members decided to put up five memorial stones, for each person that was murdered there. I remember kneeling down and placing my hands in front of the first stone, to send the victim love and light. (They were not burial grounds. Just a stone with the name of the person.) There was a researcher behind me, watching and documenting what he was seeing. Suddenly the dirt formed into a person, and this man sat up! He was one of the murdered victims! I remember he was very nice, and he was wearing a red plaid shirt, with jeans. He was wiping the dirt off of his shirt and pants and he held out his hand to make our acquaintance.

Instantly the research team ran to his side and began asking him questions. A camera crew arrived and began filming us. I was shocked that I had "resurrected" him and I told him that he had 24 hours of life, so that he could say goodbye to his friends and family and make amends with anything that he had left unsettled before he was murdered. He was quite a happy guy, and in great spirits for someone who had been murdered! He held no ill will towards his murderer.

I was asked if I could "do that again"...resurrecting a person, so I knelt down at the next makeshift memorial stone and did the same thing. I had no idea that I could do that in the first place, so in the dream I tried again. Once again, the dirt under my hand began to move, and up came a person. This time it was a female that arose, but she was wrapped head to toe in a blanket! Although I couldn't see her face, I knew what she looked like. She told me that her name was Josie, and she was pissed off! She told me that she was incredibly mad that she had been murdered, and she was raging...and I mean raging!! I told her that she had three days on earth to make amends and to say goodbye to her friends and family.

Then I woke up...

Oh my goodness! I thought that I had resurrected TWO people in my dreams, but the dreams were so real, I began to wonder if the souls of these two people were now walking the earth! I was so confused as to the dream: Was it just a figment of my imagination, was it just a dream or did I actually RESURRECT two murdered Spirits? It was SO real and I was there! I worried that I had unknowingly bound these two souls - one being extremely pissed off - to the earth and away from their resting places.

You often hear that when a deceased loved one visits you in your dreams, it's a visitation, so when you "resurrect" two Spirits, what is that? Is it real? Is it fake? Is it your unconscious mind at work? Or is it nothing? I checked in with a good friend and psychic and told her about my dream, and then I checked in with my Spiritual team to see if they were earthbound. After some fancy footwork, I did what I had to do to keep those Spirits at ease and in peace and return them to the Other World.

In the winter of 2014 I had knee surgery and as I was in the recovery room and coming out of the anesthetic, I remember my dream: I was walking down a country dirt road. In the near distance, the road became tree lined, and the trees were massive! To the right there was a meadow full of beautiful yellow flowers, the sun was shining and it was a warm summery day. I remember two men walking in front of me, chatting and I was following them down the country dirt road. We all knew each other and it felt like they came to pick me up and to bring me home. As soon as I entered the tree lined section, I came out of the anesthesia. I remember mumbling to the nurse about the tree lined dirt road, and she said: "A dirt road, hey?"

It's amazing what comes when we close our eyes at night to rest our bodies. Some people don't remember their dreams, some dream of living underwater, some fly in their dreams, some run with horses or live with dragons, some have reoccurring dreams, some experience nightmares and I literally dream of resurrecting the dead. Although some of my dreams are quite gory, most of them are beautiful and magical.

Sweet dreams…


Winter Solstice Ritual


My Near Death Experience (NDE)