Winter Solstice Ritual


I was texting with a friend of mine earlier today and she said that she was attending a Winter Solstice party in the evening and I said that I was too! Although her party included Palm Bay Vodka drinks, I was unsure what mine would entail, as I have never been to one before. Her party and my "party" were two different things: Hers was friends getting together for an evening of drinks, laughter and hangovers, mine was something entirely different.

Tonight I attended my very first Winter Solstice Ritual! Although we weren't dressed in ancient robes, standing in the middle of a forest with Pagans and Druids, we came together in a sacred space nonetheless: at my favourite store, Hidden Gem. I didn't know what to expect, but I felt like I needed to add a new experience to my list of "things I've done in my lifetime."

All the chairs were in a circle and as I decided where to sit, I noticed a familiar painting that I've had issues with, sitting in one corner. This painting is haunted and I don't like it, so finding a place to sit became even more difficult. I have had experiences with this painting: in one of my psychic development circle classes, the painting was to my right, as I was teaching. I suddenly felt a large wave of energy push me towards the painting and a student said that I went gray for a moment, and she visibly saw me stumble to my right as I was being pushed. This same student removed it from the room and I felt much better, plus the energy of the sacred space felt lighter. (By the way, if you're looking to add a haunted painting to your home, this one is now for sale! - Personally, I wouldn't recommend it though.)

I chose a chair to the side of the painting and sat down, occasionally looking at the damn thing and protecting myself. Yule logs were present, with candles, as were Christmas trees and lights. It was a very beautiful scene.

As we closed our eyes and listened to the drumming, my entire body erupted in goosebumps. There is a strong connection to native drums and I. I always get the same reaction of goosebumps, from head to toe. The ground began to move under my feet, although the ground was solid in the store. Something was shifting within me.

We honoured and bowed to each direction: East, South, West, North and Centre, calling upon each element associated with that direction. Following this we did a guided meditation, which I vaguely remember. I tend to float away during meditations, leaving my physical body behind. Only until I hear a familiar sound "outside", then I come back. The beating of the native drum is what guided me back down to earth. We were encouraged to write an intention and hang it on a tree for 12 days. After that time, it will be burned...the intention, not the release it into the ethers. We closed the space by thanking the elements in reverse order: North, West, South, East and Centre.

Everyone knows that Fall turns into Winter, Winter into Spring, Spring into Summer and Summer into Fall, but I have never thought about honouring and celebrating each Solstice. As we change seasons, new energy is created and shifted, releasing old, stagnant energy and bringing in clean, crisp energy.

The Winter Solstice celebrates the longest hours of darkness or the rebirth of the Sun and is believed to hold a powerful energy for transformation, renewal, and inner reflection. In Pagan times, the Winter Solstice was referred to as the Yule and was a celebration of the Moon Energy. It was believed that the Moon would give birth to the Sun, to reign light over darkness.

There are many ways that you can honour the Winter Solstice: journaling, doing inner reflection, mediation, soaking in a bath, lighting candles, cord cutting or illuminating your shadow side to bring in more positivity. Now is the time to let go of what no longer serves your highest good, and release fears that are holding you back. (When you blow out your candles, ask that only the flame blows out, not the light that it carries with it.)

What would you like to release and bring into the light? How will you move forward in your life? Are negative thoughts holding you back? What would you do with a new chance to reinvent your life? Give it some thought and see what happens.




Dreams and Nightmares