

Today. on the west coast, it is a beautiful, stormy, rainy day. It has been a relatively dry winter, thus far, so seeing the rain is a wonderful welcome and a perfect day to stay home and do some much needed cleaning, organizing, laundry, blogging, catching up on emails, etc.

I love the rain, I always have. Perhaps it is because it reminds me of England, the country I am from, and having a little piece of England with me, brings me comfort. Throughout my day, I have often paused for a moment to watch the rain, mesmerized by the droplets as they fall from the sky. A feeling of calm and serenity washes over me, no matter what I am doing, or how stressed I might be.

Geese, Ducks and Swans swim in the swollen ocean. In the distance, a family of Bald Eagles sit on a tree top. A Kingfisher sits on a soaked branch watching the world go by and Robins eagerly eat from the suet feeders I hung up. All are unaffected by the torrential downpour that engulfs their world.

As the rain unites with the land, it nourishes the animals, feeds and cleanses the land. It waters the plants and trees, the flowers and the soil, bringing in new life. As it cleanses our streets, our vehicles, it also cleanses the earth, washing away stagnation of what no longer serves a purpose to bring in new life and energy.

Like the rain, we too must cleanse ourselves, our homes and our air. There are many methods to cleanse from chemicals to natural products. Going through our homes, lives and friends to remove anything or anyone that no longer serves a purpose or helps you to reach your Higher Purpose, is a great way to remove stagnant energy or rid of toxic friendships. Going through your cupboards and closets to remove and donate anything you haven't used or want is a great cleansing detox.

I love cleansing the air in my home. I love my home now, but I didn't always. It might not be the most updated or newest place, but I love character and older homes. I have this "thing" about inviting people over to my home. It makes me uncomfortable, as I don't have (or want) the "latest or the greatest" and I know that people are quick to judge.

A beautiful friend of mine once told me that you don't need to have "fashion to have passion." My home reflects who I am with Himalayan salt lamps, fairy lights, candles, crystals, plants and more. It is my sacred space to just be, without interruption.

As I said previously, I love to cleanse the air in my home. In the summertime, I open my windows wide, to invite the ocean air to flow into every corner of my home and remove any stagnant energy that has built up. In the winter time, I tend to smudge with sage, either using the leaves or sage incense. Another incense I adore is Moldavite (I currently have some burning behind me).

Moldavite was formed about 20 million years ago when meteors crashed to the earth. As the meteor amalgamated with the earth, existing rock melted and fused with the meteors making this crystal extraterrestrial and terrestrial. Moldavite is a high vibrational energy, which brings positive life change and burning the incense in my home renews the energy, and cleanses everything in sight!

I also cleanse the air in my home with crystals. As I'm a Crystal child, I have a lot of crystals....and I mean a LOT! I could open my own crystal store! Each room has its own selection of crystals, some hidden from sight, others out in the open. Each crystal plays its own part, in clearing and cleansing.

Music has always been a big part of my life, and I listen to it everyday. I often clean my home with music, specifically music that resonates with my soul. I love Aboriginal music, with flutes and drums. I often play Shamanic music to cleanse my home or anything by Deva Premal or Ashana. Hearing their angelic voices drift through my home, makes everything more crisp and clean as does the drumming of Aboriginal music. Each beat of the drum knocks out sluggish energy and kicks it out the door!

I encourage you to be like the rain and to not only cleanse your home and your car, but to also cleanse your mind, body and soul; to rid of things that no longer serve a purpose, especially as the New Year is soon upon us. I generally cleanse my home quite often throughout the year, but make it a tradition to say goodbye to an old year with a good cleansing, so that a new year can begin with a fresh and vibrant start.

As I look out towards the ocean, I notice that the rain is still falling, and a smile comes across my face. I secretly asked the Universe this morning, that the rain continues to fall all day long, as it brings me such comfort and peace. I know that with the rain, it brings new energy and change, and with new energy, brings new growth.

...and I believe we can all benefit from new growth.




Winter Solstice Ritual