

Since moving to Vancouver Island in 2016, I've noticed a dramatic increase and intensity in my Mediumship abilities. I've become more "in tune" with people and spirits. My visions have become more intense, more accurate and even more crystal clear. I can "see" things as if I am right there. It's uncanny and awesome!

We all have a light inside of us. Some people burn brightly, whereas others have mere embers glowing within. The more open I become, the brighter I shine like a beacon of light. If you imagine a lighthouse, it shines its powerful light into the darkness of the night, to serve as a navigational aid, but it also warns ships away from dangerous areas. Although a lighthouse cautions seafarers from danger, my light acts as a beacon to all energies (light and dark), and the more open I become, the stronger my light becomes. This is the consequence of this work, or anyone who does healing energy. Some mediums shut down completely, whereas I along with others, continue to embrace the light. This is my work. This is what I came here to do, and nothing is going to scare me away.

For some Mediums, we not only connect to beings of the light, we also connect to beings of the dark. It's not that I choose too, it just is. When you're open to light, darkness just happens to be there. With day we have night, with white there is black. Yin and yang. It's a part of balance and duality.

Dark energies crave fear. They hang out in emergency rooms, dentist offices, doctor offices, movie theatres, Halloween attractions, etc. as they feed on the fear of those who express and the fear that they leave behind. These places actually create elemental entities of their own because of the fear that is created there. It's quite extraordinary!

Dark entities have always been around, even though I protect myself. The more open I become, the stronger they make their presence known to me. As mentioned in my blog "Dreams and Nightmares", these dark entities invade my dreams and cause dark and disturbing nightmares. My nightmares are beyond horror movies (which I don't watch). Steven Spielberg would be jealous! Upon awakening, they stay with me for days, weeks even.

I have always psychically protected myself and my home with crystals, sage, thunder sage, house blessings, etc, so I just thought that these intense nightmares were "normal" for mediums, such as myself. I've been told by a psychic friend of mine that "demons watch me sleep because they think I'm beautiful". Jokes on you Demons... I look the worst when I sleep...or so I would imagine. Perhaps demons come to me when I'm asleep because I'm more susceptible and vulnerable. I actually have no idea.

Before Christmas last year, I had attended an event at a local gem store, and one of the owners said that I looked tired. I told her about my dark nightmares that were growing with intensity every two weeks. To my surprise this lady just happened to be knowledgeable in Paganism! Now I have never been drawn to Paganism, or anything to do with witches. It's just not my "thing". I realize with witches, there is also duality.

She had mentioned to me a practice called Warding...something I had never heard of before. As I said earlier I always psychically protected myself and thought that was enough. (Now that my light is becoming stronger, clearly I need more protection!)

Warding is like fixing a protective shield or an energy barrier or bubble to a physical location, to keep energies out. Say for example, you walk around with a body of Armour. Nothing is going to pierce that Armour to get to you. You can place them around your home, in certain rooms or on an object. Warding can block out everything or you can use it to block out negative energies, wayward spirits, mischievous entities or demons.

I was told that I could ward my bed, bedroom or house with specific instructions how to do so. First I cleansed my home, using sage. I didn't want to trap anything into my protective shield, that would cause further nightmares or activity into my home. She suggested that I use rose quartz, in the four corners of my bed, to bring in the love vibration when I sleep, and black tourmaline around the four corners of my home and bedroom. I decided to ward my bed, bedroom AND home, just as a precaution. I've lived with activity all my life, but when it's calm and peaceful inside, life is wonderful. It's like choosing to go outside into a hurricane versus a calm, sun shining day.

Once I energetically cleansed my home, I placed the four rose quartz crystals in each corner of my bed, between the box spring and the mattress. Then I mentally connected each quartz, clockwise, to the next crystal. After that, I visualized each crystal meeting at a point on the ceiling above my bed, to create a force field. Or imagine an energetic tent, if you will.

Next I warded my bedroom using small black tourmaline crystals, using the same method and finally moved onto warding my entire home, with larger tourmaline crystals. On occasion, I mentally reconnect each crystal to the next one and then visualize them meeting at a point on the ceiling to reconnect them together. This reinforces my energetic force field, to keep the protective shield strong and vibrant. Whether this is recommended or not, I just do it, as I feel drawn to do so.

I have to say that since doing these methods, I haven't had any horrific nightmares, nor have I had ANY nightmares! None. Nula. Null. Zero. There is something to this! My home is calm and peaceful; there hasn't been any activity to date, since I warded my home either. My nightmares have ceased! They were increasing in intensity every two weeks, and now I don't get them at all! How amazing is that?! I'd say it's pretty spectacular!! I can't remember a time since being born, that I haven't had any spirit activity in my home. It just doesn't happen, but thanks to this wonderful lady who taught me something new, I can live less haunted...at home, anyways.

Like the white tiger, in the picture above, who is overlooking and protecting the woman, these crystals are warding and protecting me. Simply amazing!


Scent from Heaven

