Scent from Heaven


I was just writing my February newsletter, interestingly enough, on the history of handshakes and how we transitioned from using them as a customary greeting to hugs.

At one point I began to smell some perfume, wafting in from the left. I live on my own, plus I don't wear perfume, nor are there any flowers here. I actually stopped writing and turned my head to the left to make sure I was actually smelling the perfume. You know that move...where you tilt your head and try to process a random smell, wafting through the air.

The perfume was distinct and as soon as I smelled it, I associated it to my Nan, who died over ten years ago. The scent lasted a few seconds, only to reappear moments later, and to again, fully disappear. I knew I had just been visited by her, even though she is one of my Spirit Guides. Perhaps she had stopped by to give me a hug...I like to say that it was scent from Heaven.

It's amazing how this happens. We can be carrying on in our lives, minding our own business, and then be broadsided with a scent that reminds us of someone living or dearly departed. Out of nowhere, our olfactory system picks up an important piece of information, and weeds it out of our normal smells, then catalogs it as unique, or conjures up a memory of who or where it belongs. Just like that! Boom!

The other morning I was coming out of a deep sleep and could smell cigarette smoke wafting close to my head. As soon as I mumbled about the smoke, the scent disappeared. I have no idea who it belonged to or why they chose to bring me that scent.

About five years ago, my friend and I were heading out to dinner and as we were sitting in the cab of his truck, I was hit by a strong smell of roses! He didn't smell anything like roses, by the way, although he did smell like a divine god! I digress, it happens. I asked him if he could smell the roses and he said he didn't. (I regularly freaked him's a gift. I freak out a lot of people, but love doing it.) I was shocked that he couldn't smell them... How could he not smell them?! They permeated the entire cab of the truck! The smell lasted for 30 seconds or so, and dissipated as quickly as it came.

I couldn't figure out who the rose smell belonged to, nor did it conjure up a memory of someone long gone. I had wondered if the spirit who brought the scent, mistook me for someone else, as it had appeared as we entered the center of a busy intersection, in where accidents are bound to happen. Perhaps it was a warning from an accident victim to be careful, or a means of diversion, to pull my friend away from turning too quickly into oncoming traffic. I have no idea.

Clear smelling, also known as Clairalience or Clairscent is an extrasensory perception (ESP) through scent that can happen to psychic and non-psychic people. It can be experienced as a subtle physical scent, that others can not smell or as a gut feeling that something doesn't "smell right", a knowing that someone is lying or that there is danger up ahead. Scents can be sent from loved ones in Spirit, or can be generated through thought of the living. It is unclear how this is done, but at the end of the day, we are all energy; transmitting and receiving.

Some of my favourite scents are fresh cut grass, baking bread, chocolate chip cookies baking/melting in the oven, the smell of the ocean and manure. Yes, I said's aromatherapy for my country girl heart. It just brings me a sense of peace, old fashioned values, horses and leather. Perhaps it's a past life memory, but I cherish it nonetheless.

A friend of mine lacks a sense of smell. Imagine all the things she is missing out on....the earth after a good thunderstorm, the smell of rain, cookies in the oven, melted chocolate, the scent of a flower, the scent of a puppy or a newborn child.

Scents trigger muscle memories, flooding us back in time to the exact moment when we created the memory and placed them in our subconscious vault.

Clairalience can provide a wealth of information about a spirit with a single scent or smell, which is a powerful tool for anyone's spiritual toolbox. The next time you smell a scent which opens up your subconscious memory vault, and reminds you of a special loved one who has crossed over, know that they have come to give you a hug and to let you know that they are with you. If the person has not crossed over, be ready to hear from them in a matter of hours to days to weeks. Like you, they are thinking about you as well.


Standing on the Threshold

