The Year of 2020

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As we come to the end of another year, albeit a different year than many of us have experienced in our lifetime, it is always a time of reflection and gratitude. The year of 2020 has been an inspirational year that has brought us out of our automatic and petrified lives and thrust us into discovering a new way of being or a new existence.

I love how the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines "petrified" as "converted into stone through a slow process of mineralization". I feel this term is accurate because during certain times in our lives, life slowly petrifies without us even realizing it. We become so stuck in fear, worry, doubt or routine that we don't realize we are being turned into stone.

I've heard many times throughout this year that 2020 is a "challenging" year. I for one don't agree and I am not fond of that word "challenging". I feel this year has been a year to break us out of the mineralization and into manifestation! It has shown us what is essential in our lives, whether it be our families, our friends, time spent in nature, or reconnecting with ourselves. 2020 has reconnected us to our values and goals. It has taught us what really matters in life. It has taught us to go after our dreams, to follow our hearts and to follow our intuition no matter if it doesn't make sense initially.

In the beginning of March when the world was on lockdown and we were all in self-isolation, I remember enjoying the stillness of the world. Everything was at a standstill. Every morning I'd open my windows and hear the alluring bird songs enchant the air. There wasn't the sound of cars or sirens from a passing ambulance or the bleat of a fire truck's horn, it was just enrapturing silence. Every day more and more birds appeared and filled the surrounding air with their songs of grace.

Then as the days progressed more animals would appear across the water or within the water. Deer pranced on the grass, sea otters frolicked on the shores doing silly somersaults, tumbling over each other. A lone sea lion poked its head out of the water to see what was going on. It was so close I could hear it snorting as it breathed.

Bald eagles flew nearby, Kingfishers, Seagulls, Anna's Hummingbirds, Ravens, Great Blue Herons and so many more came out of the wilderness. My back yard looked like a scene from Disney's Snow White. I half expected Snow White herself to show up...thankfully though, she didn't appear.

I think this is something that we all have to remember. The stillness and unknownness of that time, is something that became important. It made us question our next step or if we had a next step. It put our lives into perspective as to how we were living our lives. It became an important sidestep as it were, to realign ourselves with our life's true purpose and how we were going to fulfill that purpose. In that one moment, it put meaning back into our lives.

Personally, I have never been a fan of New Year's Eve. Although many people enjoy the celebrations, I have always been sad to see each (current) year leave. I consider every year like a new friend whom I get to know as the year progresses. By the end of the year, I know this friend quite well as they have been with me through my ups and downs. They have celebrated with me and they have cried with me. When the year ends the friend leaves and I know I will never see that friend (year) again. I just won't. None of us will, so for me it is a sad time as I mourn the "death" of losing a wonderful friend...

With 2021 just around the corner I feel excited about the new year coming in. Of course I am saddened by the loss of my dear 2020 friend, but this is one of the first years where I feel excited about 2021. I have no reason to be either. I don't have some sort of insight or crystal ball into the new year. Intel hasn't dropped me a line to say why, I just feel as though there is an electric sensation coming in with 2021 that will benefit everyone...and no, I have not been licking my fingers and placing them in the electrical outlets. It's not an electrical sensation that will instantly perm your hair or give you that jolt that no caffeinated beverage will ever give you. It's more of a prickly, energetic excitement. A "wait and see" kind of feel to it.

2020 is a year that will never be forgotten. It has literally become a historical year, there is no denying that. It has been heartbreaking for many families who have lost loved ones, but many gifts have been restored to those that remain. The earth has healed, the air has mended, the water has become clear and people are realigning with who they are and what they want out of life.

...and that is a blessing we all needed.


A Grand Piano

