Manipulating Life Energy and Spirit Energy Fields


Every second Thursday night, I teach a Psychic Development Circle to a handful of people. This is a sacred circle where any topic discussed is safe as we hold space for each other. We discuss a variety of topics with exercises to help those involved to gain trust and confidence with what they are experiencing. The circle is open to the public, but only a small few trickle in.

I've been teaching this class since November 2018 and I enjoy every minute of it. My students are wonderful people from all walks of life who come together to develop their intuition. From the first class to now, their abilities have grown tremendously and many of them are blown away by their abilities. It is such a delight to see their growth!

Last night at the circle we practiced a modality called Psychometry. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Psychometry as a "divination of facts concerning an object or its owner through contact with or proximity to the object."

It is said that all objects consist of energy fields and when an object is held and tuned into, it transfers impressions regarding its history to the holder. These impressions might be from the previous owner(s), where it came from or any extreme circumstance the object may have been present in, such as a traumatic or historical event.

Everyone brought a few items last night and placed them on the table. There were a few watches, necklaces, toys, crystals and a few tools. Some of the items brought belonged to ourselves, friends or deceased relatives. We all picked different objects that we were drawn to and sat with the object in silence. When things came up, we independently wrote down what we received. When an item stopped "speaking", it was returned to the table and a different item was chosen. After a certain amount of time, we discussed each item with the impressions that were received and then were given validation by the person who brought the object.

Psychometry is something that anyone can do, it just takes patience and practice. Empaths in particular are great at psychometry as they can feel other people's energy and are highly sensitive to their environment.

The picture above is one of the objects that was brought to the circle. It is a 1977 Timex Schulz Tennis Snoopy wrist watch, which two of us independently read. Although both of our impressions were validated, an interesting thing happened to me as I was holding the watch in the palm of my hand.

When I first picked it up and studied it, I noticed that the hands weren't moving and it showed the time to be 1:45. I didn't think much about it as the watch was old and figured it had stopped a long time ago. I then put it in the palm of my hand, closed my hand to connect with it and waited for the watch to tell me its secrets.

As the watch began to speak to me, the palm of my hand began to hurt. It felt like I was being zapped with electricity. It was very strange. The zaps were small, but noticeable. When I opened my hand to move the watch, I noticed that the little green tennis ball (the second hand) was moving! I exclaimed "Oh! This is a working watch!" I closed my hand again to reconnect with it and again received the zaps of electricity. When I reopened my hand, the watch was reading 2:00!

I know what it feels like to receive small currents of electricity through my body. Years ago when I was a dog groomer-in-training, my electric clippers broke and I used a co-workers. She warned me that there was something wrong with them, but I could use them as mine were in the shop being repaired. Wow! She was not wrong. As soon as I turned them on, they sent electrical currents into my hand and up my arm. I only used them for a minute or two before turning them off.

Upon review of our findings, when I had exclaimed that the watch was in fact a working watch, the lady who owns it said that she hadn't wound it in years and that it shouldn't be working. When the next student picked it up from the table, the watch wasn't working. I became fascinated by this watch. Every time I put it into my hand or touched it with one finger, I'd receive those electrical zaps and the watch would start up. Every time the other student touched it, it stopped and he couldn't get it going.

I've always had problems with electrical devices, whether it be my phone, computer or even timers. I've recently become very sensitive to my iPhone and iPad. If I touch them for too long, I can feel the same zapping on my fingertips like I did with the watch in my palm. My fingers begin to hurt and it's as if they have acid on them. Cell phones don't last very long with me. They always seem to break down, even if brand new and they develop a mind of their own. They turn themselves on and off, take pictures on their own, as does my iPad. My laptop is no different. I can use it for hours at a time in one day, and then the next day it won't turn on, no matter what I do.

I recall one specific time that I was preparing for an important Zoom conference call and I had everything up and running. As soon as the conference came on, my computer (fully charged) went black and immediately shut down. Took me a lot of swearing and threatening to get the thing back on. Turns out that if you threaten your laptop and tell it that it'll become a Frisbee to fly across the ocean if it doesn't turn on, works quite well! came back on.

As I'm sitting here writing this blog, I have a timer with me in the background. I've used this timer for my readings and it has always worked out quite well. It is just a culinary timer by Taylor.

I decided to conduct an experiment whilst writing this. Within the last couple of months I've had issues with this timer and have changed the batteries. It sits on my dining room table day in and day out, patiently waiting to be used. At times when I go to the psychic fairs, it comes with me. At the fair in April, it started shutting down on its own, beeping insistently and then starting up on its own. The vendor next to me jokingly said that if it didn't stop she would take it outside and put it out of its misery. It became erratic and unpredictable with its tantrums and eventually it stopped. I had joked that it was possessed. At the next psychic fair in May, the thing started acting up again; turning itself off, beeping and then turning itself back on (physically there is no where on the device to turn it on and off).

As I've been writing this I had an idea...because of last night's fascination with the watch, I wondered if I could get the timer to have a tantrum, just by holding it. So I picked it up and within a few minutes sure enough I felt the same electrical zapping in my hands and then it turned itself off, beeped and turned itself on!!! I conducted the experiment again, only this time I changed the batteries to fresh new ones...are you ready for this??? The same thing happened: the timer shut itself off, beeped and turned itself back on!!! I conducted the experiment three or four more times and each time the result was the same!!! Wow!!

This is amazing for me!! This timer literally sits on my table 24/7 and every time I felt those electrical zaps of energy in my hands, I'd pick it up and the timer would shut itself off, beep and then turn itself back on...Incredible!!!!

Even though I find this incredibly fascinating, I'm also at a loss of words! With recent bouts of dizziness to manipulating watches and timers, who knows what will be next but I'm excited to find out, and as always...I will keep you posted. :)




Standing on the Threshold